Inspector pages on mobile devices

Hey everone, i checked out the inspectorpages links on my android phone AND my wifes iphone. this is what they look like.

TOTALLY different then on my laptop…laptop sites are very pretty. Mobile umm not so much…can this be changed or is it intentional. Many many people use their phones now to surf so im a bit worried about making one. Is this how they look on your mobile?

The reason that the sites look different is because they are mobile optimized. When you view a mobile optimized site it removes the visualization to make the load times faster and use less data. It also reformats the pages to make it easy to read the information. This is useful when using a smaller screen so you are not zooming and constantly loosing your place. If you want to view the site in a non mobile version you can often change the settings on your phone not to take preference of a mobile site and enter the full site. I hope this helps solve you question.
