Nachi Convention Videos & Tapes?

If not already planned, I would suggest that NACHI look into the services of a video, CD, and recording service who would tape all educational sessions to be made available for sale to anyone who may want to have a copy of the sessions.I have a copy of an NEC FORUM CD that has all of the technical presentations sessions audio, and PDF files of the slides for each presentation.

Good Point, Joe.

I mentioned this last year and everyone liked the idea but no one stepped up to the plate.

Joe, this sounds like a good idea, and it probably is, in theory. However, as one of the educational speakers on a subject that is “legal” and that can become contentious, I would not like to be recorded for prosperity, so to speak. And there are copyright issues for us to consider also. But perhaps being, or not being, recorded can be left as a matter of choice. Regardless, good idea. Thank you.

Good idea Joe.