John Bowman's Report Review PowerPoint presentation.

Nick, this is a great service that NACHI provides and I think most, if not all members, support and abide by this requirement. I have said on other threads that I think NACHI would get even more and better participation if there were an easier way to input the 100 inspection addresses and dates into the system. One at a time is just unwieldy, cumbersome and very time consuming. I’m sure Chris or someone could very easily develop the means to enter that data via the uploading of a comma separated value file with the appropriate information in it. There could be other simple methods as well rather than the one at a time method in place now. I know that there are multiple methods to provide the actual reports that are requested to the review committee and that part is great and probably works well.

You can also view another powerpoint on membership along with the above at the following url:

Enjoy…Feel free to copy them and use at Chapter meetings or wherever.

John B.