Locust Tree

Would any of you say anything in your report about this locust tree? There are 3 trees in the backyard. The buyer ask how dangerous this tree was to his children.

What is your clients definition of dangerous?

He is a LAWYER!!! I still have some scars from of these trees.

Even more reason to get his definition, and address it to his terms.

Seriously though, I do make comments on things that could effect the home and it’s occupants, especially when there are children at risk. Those suckers will definately cause an “ow-wie” and can easily get infected.


If you pointed the thorns out to you client then your done, no further comment needed. It’s his responsibility to protect his children not yours. If he is a lawyer then he knew the answer to his own question. Don’t take the bait.

There are certain types of vegetation I will comment on within the report. I would comment on this, as I would comment on liquid amber trees, rubber trees, castor bean plants, oleander, morning glory, foxglove and others. I also comment on “widow makers” and the need to inspect after each storm.


I would tell him, after the first time your kids came around these trees, they will figure out to stay away from them. Sad but true.

One of the questions I ask every client is if they have any kids. Thorny bushes, rose bushes abound here. Even when there is a drainage culvert or open ground level utility boxes, I mention it. Safety concern.

You need to keep the human race strong, stop protecting stupid people. Dan grew up in a house without any grounded outlets; he still has a little twich every once in awhile but he survived. :smiley:

Reporting on vegetation that is not causing a potential problem to the building is way out of scope and a waste of time.

Stan, what are you doing, warning customers to keep their dogs away from the Oleanders?

If he has to ask, he’s an idiot. I wouldn’t comment on it any more than I would a rose bush or a shrub that produces poison berries.

Oleanders are a poisonous plant. I let the client know it is present on the property. Small children will stick just about anything in their mouth. Same with dogs. The fact that the plant is present is the potential problem. If you want to limit yourself to strictly the building and ignore the issue, that is your choice. I choose to let my clients know that there are poisonous plants present. Each to his own. And the name is Steve. Stan was my father.

I’m a home inspector NOT a baby-sitter. You bred them, you take care of them.

Where would it stop … Folks I see the neighbors have a german shepard that barks and growles a lot - Better not let your kids get too close to the fence as he could bite. OR

Folks the BIG tree on the side has low branches … Your kids could climb up and fall out … Better cut it down; OR Gee the rose bushes have thorns, better cut them so your brats don’t stick themselves.

Get real GUYS, we’re not the ankle biter police. They wanted kids, now its their job to police them not yours. We got enough liability without urging more on ourselves.

Do your reports warn about the dangers of hot dogs?

Must be a regional thing. Hot Dogs must not grow well in this area. :roll:

hard at times to remain tactful

my spontaneous combustion reply

you say your attorney?
if you’re any good
you already know the answer before you ask the question :wink:

Just mixin the pot!!! He knows about the problem. Some of the thorns are 3 inches log and hard as nail. This not like getting stuck by a ROSE bush.

As a kid, my neighbor lost his eye when he was playing around outside at night around some rose bushes. Just never forgot.

We use to cut them down on the farm and burn the stump out of the ground. That is the only way, we could keep them from growing back.
Fixed a lot of tractor tires because of these trees.