Meeting my requirements


Congratulations! You’ve passed this exam with a final score of 91!
Here are a few statistics about your exam session. Though you already passed the exam, it might be helpful to study more on areas where you got below 70-80% right.
Electrical (92%)
Environment (89%)
Ethics (100%)
Exterior (91%)
General (80%)
Heating & Cooling (100%)
Insulation (100%)
Interior (100%)
Pest & Wood Infestation (100%)
Plumbing (89%)
Roofing (78%)
Safety (92%)
Structure (80%)

Each year I score about the same.:slight_smile:

I am concerned about safety, structure, and roofing. But i did go as fast as I could.

And your state accepts them for CE :smiley:

The MHIB will accept ANY/ALL continuing education completed with the International Association of
Certified Home Inspectors or any other nationally certified association or group.

**From: **DeSoto Home Inspection Services <>
**Sent: **Thu, 8/27/2009 11:52am
**To: **MREC Information <>
**Subject: **Approved continuing education


My I please receive a list of approved continuing education from the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors?


Frank Magdefrau
DeSoto Home Inspection Services
(901) 486-0421

I too score about the same every time I take the exam. It would be beneficial to know exactly what questions I got wrong, not just the category, so I am not answering the same question wrong every time.

David, go to for right answers.

Thanks nick. Found one I was answering wrong already.

Show off. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Hmmm…Go fast…have fun…:D…Thanks for the reminder. :smiley:

Congratulations! You’ve passed this exam with a final score of 96!
Below is your unique session code. This code will help us verify your score if the need should ever arise, and if you’re taking this exam within the context of an online course you will need your unique session code to finish that course.
Unique Session Code: ENTR-0000-1714-18

Here are a few statistics about your exam session. Though you already passed the exam, it might be helpful to study more on areas where you got below 70-80% right.
Electrical (92%)
Environment (89%)
Ethics (100%)
Exterior (100%)
General (90%)
Heating & Cooling (100%)
Insulation (100%)
Interior (100%)
Pest & Wood Infestation (100%)
Plumbing (89%)
Roofing (89%)
Safety (100%)
Structure (100%)