Oh No....

Well the season is here. So far I have received:

  1. A shirt and tie that “Bozo the clown” would love.
  2. A “Redneck wind chime”. Basically beer cans on strings.
  3. A Joe Farsetta Elf thing. Really funny…

How is your christmas going. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

John…# 3 is a classic sign of someone having too much fun…you jokester you!

Have you SEEN the one of me…hillarious…

That Elf thing is funnier than Brian Kelly.:smiley:



No WAY…nothing is funnier than Brian Kelly…

I got Ms. Nevada’s phone number

Gary, given your luck of late, you might discover she won’t, but she might have a sister. Good luck, and Happy Holidays.


The elf thing is Really funny. Especially the 2000 people working for me thing. Looks like we’re all friendly elfin targets. I got this one today from one who, I suppose, is a bit jealous…

Hope your laugh was as big as mine…

Merry Christmas, my friend. BTW, you make a better looking elf than me.



The elfin’ magic is pretty funny. Tell Paul that it was 2800, and to use the word “Dude” a few more times on the next one.


Is this the one you are speaking of?


lol…yeah thats the one Joe…lol…amazing however we are MUCH alike it seems…lol…both seemed to be thin skinned…yet I can take a joke…lol…loved it…and YEP…that is correct…I do KNOW it all…thanks:)

;-):smiley: :cool: :wink:

now comes my barad of LOL…LOL…LOL…:wink:


Hey Joe…my LARGE head and ego has even talked myself into getting a website about the GURU…check it out…www.theelectricalguru.com

Now thats SHOCKING…:slight_smile:

Paul I love your vid’s, but I am afraid your head might asplode!!:p:p


Don’t you love that picture?

Pauls head, AS(S)ploding. :smiley:

NOW that is a VIDEO…what would you PAY to see that…ahhh…Forget it…I may get some takers…:slight_smile:

LOL! Freebie! :wink: