Please join me in welcoming educator/author Kenton Shepard to InterNACHI staff.

Kenton is an inspection industry educator, developer of InterNACHI’s Green Building Course and Log Home Course, a Certified Master Inspector, author of 3 construction books sold by ICC, and a regular on NACHI.TV.

We just got his desk set up and he joins InterNACHI’s full-time staff today.

Welcom Kenton!

Many congrats, Kent!
Who’da thunk it’d come to this when we created Colo NACHI??!!

Speaking of egress, how are you gonna deal with being in that office with Nick and 3+ Nachettes? I remember it’s a small office room in a large building / shop / studio . . .:wink: :smiley: :shock:

Congrats Kenton, well deserved. An excellant addition to InterNachi Staff. :smiley:

Wow… great to see Kenton on full time with InterNACHI and NACH.TV.
Good things to come for sure.

Great job, Kenton. Congrats.

Welcome Kenton! It’s great to have you here! We’ll try not to distract you too much with our debauchery…haha

I want a desk next to Valerie

Congratulations Kenton.

Marcel :slight_smile: :smiley:

I don’t think your

is what will be distracting him! :wink: :twisted: :smiley:

A fine edition to NACHI staff.

Thanks all, I’m looking forward to working a little closer to the center of the inspection industry!

Kenton, can you tell us about the course you shot for NACHI.TV today?

Congrats Kenton.

Congratulations Kenton!!

HAVE YOUR DESK, I WANT VALERIE :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Mic :cool:

Kenton, I hope it’s a GREEN desk :smiley:

Congrats Kenton.

very nice

Kenton, sorry I feel late to the party, but congrats, keep up the good work . . . looking forward to your upcoming shows with NACHI.TV

Congratulations on your position with InterNachi Kenton!