Recalled Appliances

Hey everybody. Is there a site wherenIncan print out the recalls for a furnace, water heater, dishwasher. I’ve seen it somewhere. Maybe on this site?


And the best part, ITS FREE. :wink:

Do you allow that information to be downloaded and printed off?


For FREE? With NO commitments of any kind?

Many are so “successful” they need assistance from this vendor to pay for their CMI logo designation. Apparently he does not mean financially successful.

Worth repeating. LOL LOL -X-X-X

So once you are successful you should prove it by never accepting discounts??:roll:

Well it sends the initial Recallchek report and a recall update to your email periodically, but you have to buy a printer, and ink cartridge, paper, internet service and electricity in order to print it off, so I guess it’s not really free. :roll:

I count six.

Smart business?

I paid $175.00 for my CMI lifetime membership.

How much are your “users” paying (with discount)?

Anyone who has to “finance” a membership into a club, can’t be to business savvy.

The smart ones are the ones putting your money into their pockets.

Hi Matthew, is a fantastic service that I point all my clients to.

Not only can they check for recalls on appliances, but for virtually anything else they own as well, whether it be their cars, their baby seat, their lawnmower, their toaster etc. etc. etc…

And best of all, it’s a free service.

My clients love it.

Yes, it is the cornerstone of “savvy” business policy to ignore all discounts and pay as much as you can for everything. :roll:

If your going to quote me, include my complete text so things are kept in context.

The smart, savvy business person here is the one collecting the money, not the one who has to finance a thousand or fifteen hundred dollars for the privilege of putting a logo on their website.

Wake up.

Your comment stands alone and needs no supporting text to be understood. It’s absurd logic with or without it. Financing an expensive purchase or getting a discount are both savvy business practices.

No one is collecting money from CMI dues according to Nick. I could care less either way.