Traveling to Istanbul

My wife wants to go to Istanbul in April for her 40th birthday. I’m skeptical about this, would you go, is this city safe?

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I’ve had friends who’ve traveled there and loved it, and one young woman who lived there for 2 years. I hear it’s great but you have to be careful anywhere of course.

Who cares- happy wife, happy life, remember?

With all the other places in the world to visit, I would pass on any country that was not savvy to Americans. I personally be a little weary going to turkey.

Hope you come back with your heads attached to your shoulders.

Read the book. Wouldn’t see the movie. Lost any interest in visiting Turkey.

Just sayin’…

There are better places to visit than turkey. Go somewhere that the people at least like Americans.

Always read CIA fact book and state department sites when traveling abroad.

We Canadian’s love Americans Big time Great neighbours

And we love you guys. Most of the time. :slight_smile:

Sorry about that but we really like to share our snow with you .

I have traveled around the world, probably twice, Turkey isn’t the greatest as a whole, but the resorts in Istanbul are awesome. But if you were thinking of something like that I would suggest a two week cruise, hit places like Croatia, Romania, Cypress, Italy, Greece. Istanbul is a great party city though, same with Ibiza. always best though to check the current threat level with your local depts and if Visas are required.

CMI Keith Runquist and his wife lived there for years. Give him a call.

Thanks for all the replies…

Nick, I spoke to Keith at length and he provided me with great info. He’s also sending me an email with the dos and don’ts plus all the places to visit.

Go to Greece , Rhode Island take a boat, tour to turkey (Asia Minor ) takes only 5-6 hours travel , it is safe just do not drink any water in turkey , visit the markets and some ancient Greek monuments left to ruins after the slaughter of the Greek population in the early 1900s ,
you may also like to take a tour via tour operators to Constantinople ( Istanbul ) is safe , visit Athens , Thessaloniki , Crete Island , Cyprus is also nice . Enjoy your travels and the excellent Architecture this country’s have to show , and of course the endless SUN .

Istanbul is only a bit less safe and only has a bit more crime than NYC. But I have no idea how accurate this site is:

Near as I can tell, Istanbul with a little common sense is reasonably safe. I was in Istanbul for almost a week in late Feb of this year, and went throughout the city by public transit and walking, at all times of day and into the night. It was totally safe, at least to my view, with plenty of police around. You should also check out the best travel blogs for more recommendation.