Videos for Chapter NACHI site

Are there any consumer oriented videos from NACHI that can be posted on a chapter site that basically explains the home inspection? It would be nice to have for our chapter site.

PS-here is our new NACHI Chicago chapter site. It is not done yet, I just started building it. I would like to put a video on the home page.

Nick that is only three video’s I see.

IR is not something we want when it is a specialty aux service at this time.
Well inspection////not many near Lake Michigan or in the city.
Stucco is rare around here.

I was looking for something more like why you should hire a NACHI inspector and the advantages of that and maybe a little about what a home inspection is all about.

I found it, on youtube. It is up at

Just a empty space so far Mike.
Keep it up and get my link live already…:slight_smile:

Good job so far in just a few days work.

What is an empty space? I see the video. Your link will go LAST!!!

Go shove yourself.
I only see a blank space where the video should be after refreshing but let me look again.

Nope still blank though it is in elements on Chrome and here is the HTML…
<iframe id=“stSegmentFrame” name=“stSegmentFrame” src=“” frameborder=“0” scrolling=“no” width=“0px” height=“0px” style=“display:none;”></iframe>

) height and width may be a small issue as your wife said…lol

Bob try it in FF and Explorer, I see the video in all 3 browsers, including Chrome.

Yeah she was laughing after she met you.

I need to click Home on the menu for it to appear and Dom is not sure why however want to know if any others experience that issue.

Just tried the phone and it works there though a little slow on vid upload with 4G.

Yeah she was laughing alright because I was pointing at you behind your back.:slight_smile:

Did Dom see the video? Links are almost done. Your link goes to www.dumbass dot com?

Dom can see the video however I also can’t see though you are not currently standing in front of me.

your link is done whiner

Stop or I will cry.
Good job Mike.:mrgreen:

Site looks good Mike!

Look great Mike, VERY nice job!

Looks good except that my listing is missing. Thanks Mike.

Pay your dues cheapo

Thanks, but it is not done yet. But, is a site ever really done?

It has been added. Hopefully Dom will be able to help out with that search tool.