Woke up to an inferno

Got up at 6am to make my daughter a bottle and saw the old Green Giant plant behind my home up in smoke from my kitchen window. So sad. That place has been around a long time. I worked there one summer in high school as well. History gone…
I was suppose to inspect the roof of their warehouse this spring but they cancelled and decided to just replace it. That roof was finished last month.

Ho, ho, ho.

Wow. No injuries?

Plant evacuated. No injuries. 20 ladder trucks from all supporting towns. Fire started at 2am, and is still going at 11am. Most of our neighbourhood was evacuated due to the smoke.

Not as smokey, but flames are still rocking

Still going at 330
We were evacuated because of ammonia that burned.
I doubt they will rebuild after this

What is Fong’s Villa Stephan?

The best Chinese Food in the world. If you don’t believe me, I’ll buy.

Updated pics


What’s left after over 13 hours…