This year's (2012) online Christmas Party will be held on Thur Dec 20. Lots of gifts!

Be here. It’s always the largest inspection industry event of the year.

We typically get nearly 2,000 inspectors to attend and the party gets bigger every year.


Thanks Nick.

What time will it start?

In the morning (about Noon FL time).


Causal dress ?lol

Any particular link or just log on and find it?

You’ll find them. Just don’t go on old threads. Lisa is watching :slight_smile:

I think i’ll show up naked :smiley:

You mean like this?

She one of the prizes?

My wife won’t let me keep her

Yeah be a problem here also, besides i am too old lolol to have that around here

Anyway to change it to Friday Dec 21 st Nick?

Even then, I’m swamped with inspections but am taking off Dec 22nd through 27th :wink:

Friday would be better for the working class inspectors :slight_smile:

Starts in morning, how long does it go on?

I think last years ended at two in the morning.

I will be inspecting all day, can I get my gift now? :slight_smile:

Can I invite my friends, Johnny Walker, Bud Wiser, and my dear old Grand Dad?

How do we attend… is there a link?

Just like you are doing now. There will be a thread and just hang with it.