CBS Takes On the National Association of Realtors

Let the games begin.

"One way is to influence local and state legislation and rules. The brokerage industry has a powerful lobby.

“The people who made the rules are the real estate agents themselves. And almost all of the rules are for the benefit of those agents. They have control of this industry and they intend to keep it,” Kelman argues."

The NAR has lost the media…they shall now lose the war.


bad link


Game was no fun, link didn’t work

sorry…try it now.

James’s links bore me…:p:p:p;-)

WHOOOOP, now that’s better!:smiley:


These comments of yours are a sign of bitterness and anger.

A GREAT Sales Professional is priceless. Just as in our Industry there are GREAT Inspectors and Inspection Companies; and there are terrible ones.

Let me ask you this James, as “gereralists,” why would Joe and Jane Doe pay for our services when the can pay a “specialist” from each area for individual inspections?

To single out REALTORS, in whole, is wrong.

Are you a Licensed Sales Professional James?

To make a living and career maketing and selling Real Estate is difficult. Remeber, the Agent, as an individual, only makes a small fraction of the overall commission. Therefore, to make a consistant living, an Agent must close at least twice a month on a consistant basis.

At any rate, there are pro-n-cons in every industry. As an Inspector, I can understand fellow-inspectors negative point-of-view. However, as an Inspector, I have met truly GREAT Sales Professionals, too!

What comments are you referring to?

In the last three months, I have blanketed the State of Missouri in editorialized comments attacking the Missouri Association of Realtors for their greed and their ill-advised attempts to further their own agenda at the sake of the consumer. I pulled no punches.

You might be surprised to hear this, but the real estate salespeople who contacted me supported my views. In fact, I did not receive one email or telephone from a real estate salesman…with the exception of the president of the Missouri Assoc of Realtors…that did not support my position on the topics.

The real estate salespeople are told what to support by their associations. Their “Legislative Advisors” inform…not consult…with them, as to what the position of the association is and what is expected of them.

The association is very cognizant of the fact that 80% of its base will not be in business in three years. That is to say that, 80% of those funding the legislative efforts are there for their dollars only. That is their turnover. The 20% who make up the industry’s stable work force is calling the shots through the association, and hardly represent a majority of the members of the association.

So, in order to understand my position, you must understand this fact as well as the fact that this association has gone public in my state with its desire to run the the home inspection profession through legislation.

I realize that there are good real estate salespeople and my comments and actions are not directed toward the good, honest and hardworking salespeople.

I do not think this CBS report, or any of my remarks, apply to them.

“The NAR has lost the media…and now the war”

The Producers did NOT ALLOW the NAR representation on the program. Talk about media bias.

The other individuals made completely false and misleading statements through-out the program.

For example:

By-the-way James, I am not attacking you personally.

The NAR certainly has their spin and must have been very frustrated at not being allowed to have their representatives putting words into the mouths of the real estate salespeople being interviewed…


CBS did not want to do a report on what the NAR was doing. They are a political action group. They do not sell houses…they sell the profession.

CBS went to the grassroots and talked to the people doing the work. This drove the NAR nuts. I love it.

The difference is this…If you were doing a report on what an ASHI Associate actually does when he conducts an inspection, would you interview the national president of ASHI…or find yourself some ASHI associates? And would not the president of ASHI be chomping at the bit to spew forth his practiced and polished canned speeches on the topic to give it the best spin? Of course he would.

Hats off to CBS to have the courage to do the right thing and show the public that there are alternatives and also to show the public that, by manipulation in the legislative process, the NAR has been operating against their better interests in favor of their own.

The cover is off…the lights are on…and I hope that this is just the beginning.

I know of one electronic media outlet that is planning a very big story that will be considered very unflattering to a particular state realtor association. I am sure there are more in the works.

I did not consider your response as a personal attack, by any means. In fact, I hope that your friends in the sales industry respond to your defense of them with increased referrals and loyalty to you, as well. Like I said, there are good salespeople out there.