Kansas Needs Your Help

Luke Bell is the Director of Governmental Affairs with the Kansas Association of Realtors.

His email address is lbell@kansasrealtor.com

He desperately needs to hear from you.

Whether you live in Kansas or not, solicit referrals from RE salesmen or not, and no matter what your view of licensing may be…you are a home inspector and you can help Mr. Bell save his state from harm.

Imagine having a client who hires you for $350 and knows that you are personally liable for $10,000 worth of “mistakes” in your report. In other words, imagine offering an out-of-pocket $10,000 guaranty/warranty on each inspection.

To do this, what will you have to do?

Would you not have to inform your client that the seemingly harmless crack in the vinyl exterior could be allowing moisture behind it where harmful mold and bacteria could grow?

In other words, will you not have to “over state” on every defect and cover the “worse possible case” scenario on every defect in your report in order to cover yourself?

And, when you do…how will this affect the sale? Will the client be prepared for all of these horrific possibilities that could result from these harmless looking problems?

Home inspectors from across the country need to educate Mr. Bell on the condition that he is creating in his attempt to legislate some of the real estate salesman’s liability over to us.

Please send an email to Luke Bell at the above address and let him know that the Kansas Association of Realtors is shooting itself in the foot with bill they are presently trying to push through the senate.

Perhaps you inspectors who cultivate and work on relationships with agents can even better appreciate the harm this will cause…and can convince some of your agents to contact him as well and let him know that he is creating a “deal killer” instead of a home inspection registration bill.