Inspected a house today with what I believe is EIFS, tapped on it and it sounds hollow. The last time I tried that trick, I was wrong per the contractor who came out and complete the needed repairs. He stated it was a DEFS system and it didn’t need a weep screed.

Today’s inspection has either DEFS or EIFS, sounds hollow, but has no weep screed.

Is there an easy way to tell the difference? I read that if there is housewrap then it is DEFS, not sure if that’s true or not.

Never heard of it till now but …

D irect Applied Exterior Finish
Systems are relatively new wall
cladding systems utilizing polymer
based products with various sheathing
boards which function as a substrate.
These systems generally do not
have an insulation component
; although,
in one case, the substrate also
serves as insulation.
Direct Applied Systems were not
developed to compete with EIFS, but
to enable manufacturers of synthetic
systems to broaden their markets by
effectively competingwith other wall
claddings such as wood or vinyl siding

Appropriate substrate sheathing
boards for Direct Applied Systems

–Cement boards such as Harditex,
Durock and Eterspan
–Georgia Pacific Dens-Glass Gold
–Polyisocyanurate boards such as
Celotex Quick-R and Atlas R-Board
(Also serves as insulation.)

Guess our job is not tough enough.

Appears the upshoot is no foam board …in the link from USG it is durarock.

Whats the pink material at the ridge in your roof shot at the roof/wall intersection?

I knew it!!
You never saw pink, only brown.:stuck_out_tongue:

Mike I am sooooo happy he is in your area instead of mine .

Guessing this is pretty close to stucco board.

The pink, really red, is housewrap tape

I haven’t found an easy way to tell the difference. The links have some helpful info, but none address if a weep screed is required, I think it is. I think I may just call USG and see if I can get some info.

My impression is not required from the link as it compares all the hardware involved and what I saw was solid at bottom of substrate.

This link shows the hardware in comparison graphics making it easy.

I saw that Bob. It just seems to me the water has to go somewhere, but you may be correct.

Seems like cement board stucco to me …am I wrong ?

Sounds hollow when I tapped on it, leading me to believe it is EIFS

I’ve seen it before. It probably is EIFS.
If it’sface sealed EIFS-there is no weep screed installed with this type of installation.
Report it as face sealed EIFS. It needs routine maintenance to seal any cracks or delaminations at expansion joints, caulking shrinkage, etc…

Is that is another term for barrier method .

Since 2000 most “stucco systems” are required by code to have a Weather Resistant Barrier (WRB) and some require 2-layers of WRB.

Whenever a home inspector (generalist) is uncertain of the stucco system type it’s best to refer to a competent EIFS/stucco specialist for further evaluation to properly identify system type, installation deficiencies and any evidence of moisture intrusion.

Any moisture/install issues can often involve large sums for required repairs even on brand new homes and over a million dollar properties.

Had they not had me perform their 1-year warranty inspection this and numerous other deficiencies would have been on their dime.

The pictures are samples of a less than a 1-year old over a million dollar property that has stucco leakage at all 62 windows at all elevations due to improper installation and will have to be addressed by the builder/installer warranty.

Forgot to add.

The only way to properly identify an EIFS/stucco system is to know what materials could be used and a detailed visual examination of they layers of materials used to install the system.

This often requires invasive inspection nothing the generalist home inspector should take on and surely not without an executed owner’s permission release letter and ability to make the necessary water proof repairs.

Barry you did not mention removing the receptacle or some covering to look .