Attic pull down stairs

Can attic pull down steps be installed over a stairway? I am pretty certain it is against the code-safety, but I could not find any specs on it. Just want to be certain before I call it out.

The IRC doesn’t get specific about the method of accessing the attic other than to specify the minimum size of the opening; you don’t have to have drop-down stairs. Use your judgement about whether or not it is safe. Ask yourself would a step ladder be safer (often times no). Ask would relocation of the stairs be feasible.

thanks Joe

When the pull down stairs are opened, do they block access to the regular stairs? If so, I don’t see a problem other than reaching for the cord.

I also don’t see a problem as long as the pull-down stairs rest COMPLETELY and SECURLEY on the step or landing when opened. If not, it should be corrected for safety.

In a related topic, here are some common defects:

Yes, they would block the other interior steps, but the more important issue is that of safety = open risers, poor handrail on the attic steps and of course the steps are above a high elevation. The other steps are heading down, so the total height is over 12’- up to 16’ at the highest to lowest point.

Just remind your client that they are a** LADDER** and not a STAIRCASE and to use it appropriately.

Yep, that’s what I just did.