Uneven Loose Fiberglas Attic Insulation

I’m finding the situation shown in the pic more often and I’m just curious whether the same problem exists elsewhere.
Around here the builders stuff Fiberglas batts into the eave spaces that are not baffled. Then they blow in the loose Fiberglas insulation.
The problem is that when we get a strong wind, the batts can blow out of the eave space and the loose insulation gets blown back too.
You can see in the pic that the batt has blown out of the eave space and the loose insulation has blown back to the extent that there is no insulation at all over a portion of the drywall (which is the ceiling of the bedroom below of course).
Is there a better way of doing this? I always write it up but if things are just put back the same way, it’s just going to happen again.
I know it’s not my job to solve the problem…just curious.

Bare spots on attic floor - insulation needs re-distribution.jpg

Baffles’ missing in soffit vents allowing wind to move insulation .

Needs repair by a qualified person .

Hi Roy
The baffles were there but they don’t put them in every eave space. It’s the eave spaces between the baffles where the batts blow out.

That usually happen in newly build homes. Loose insulation is blowned in before the soffits are installed and the wind moves things around.

I never thought of that. So if things are put back in place they should stay there.

That is what I recommend to my clients.

Sneaking in , you finished with them there MICKEY MOUSE BOOTS cold is heading down this way ?

When there are no soffit vents I would bet it happened during construction. The other day I went to a house pre-drywall and the insulation was being blown out by the wind. It looked like it was snowing in the house. When you see it where the soffit vents are your right that it will happen over and over without baffles. It’s called wind washing.

SUSPECT CONDITION: Ventilation deficiency.
1.) Eave spaces not adequately ventilated.
Report your observations and recommend.
a.) The owner reported that the insulation battening in-between the unvented eave pocket between the (rafters or trusses) would be moved during heavy winds.

**RECOMMEND: **A licensed registered ventilation company perform the necessary suspect repairs to allow for proper eaves roof deck ventilation.

  1. What type of venting where in/on the eave and roof?
  2. What type of roof venting? Turbine, Louvered, low profile?
  3. How much insulation?

A) Insure proper eave venting at the eave and roof deck…
B) Insure an adequate amount of insulation is install over the ceiling in the attic to allow comfort and energy efficiency.

Just my 2 cents.

It happens here after storms also

this will get that big bad wolf at bay:D

You’re missing it Bruce.
The chutes are there. It’s the eave spaces between the chutes that are blocked with batts until the batts get blown out.
That looks like cellulose fiber, which usually is not a problem. It’s that very light Fiberglas which I see blown around.
Excellent find on the graphic. Thanks.