Does this look right?

Service wires enter from the right. Meter is below and feeds a 100 amp service panel below it. Wires going to the left are going to another 200 amp service panel.




It could be legal, we need more info. What size are the SE conductors? What size is the GEC? What size conductor goes to each disconnect?


Does that mean the meter does not read the 200 amp panel or is there an additional meter at the 200 amp panel?

No additional meter. This meter appears to be 100 amp.

The disconnects aren’t labeled for size, the panel is 200 Amp. mains.

How is the other panel metered? Was this a “grow house”

I believe this is another picture you posted in regards to the ones posted in this thread.


If so, I posted in the previous thread that I thought the panel was not metered.
I am sure the utility company would love to know about this.

From the looks of the pictures, the panel to the left is not metered…I wonder for how long this has been???](“”)

Is that the utility meter or one used for in house metering. I don’t usually see a utility meter inside.
If this is really 300a service there may be a CT can somewhere.

The room the meter is in was added. No CT. Permiting & inspections is kind of lax in this remote area.

I don’t know how long this has been this way, but the Wadsorth panel & breakers tend to make me think it has been a while.

Thanks for your input.