Electrical 1960's bad way to save electricity/ Mauvaise manière des années 60 pour ép

Here in Quebec Canada, I often come across this 1960’s era 220 vlots switch.

(Nous retrouvons souvent ce genre d’interrupteurs).

It is usually located in the kitchen near the sink so that it be easily turned on and off.

(Habituellement situé dans la cuisine aux environs de l’évier).

Although most home owners do not use it, recently a lady selling told me she turned water heater off in the norning and on at night to save electricity.

(Plus souvent, cet interrupteur n’est pas opéré mais récemment une dame m’expliquait que depuis des années elle ouvrait le circuit le matin puis le fermait le soir pour consommer moins d’électricité).

I advised she stop using this switch as this could promote legendary’s disease bacteria creation.

(Je lui ai expliqué qu’il ne fallait pas agir de cette manière car ceci pourrait encourager la création de la bactérie de la maladie du légionnaire.)

Fortunately newer house water heaters are not wired tis way anymore.

(Heureusement les nouvelles maisons n’ont plus ce genre d’interrupteurs).

place spalding 136.jpg

Very good point out Marc. I have never though of that.
Its an excellent point to be taken. Marc you might add a lint to your though for others follow.
Good work.to

If your concerns are about Legionellosis Legionnaires’ disease many water sources are susceptible unless they are preheated above unsafe scalding temperatures for a prolonged period of time. Many inspectors measure & report HOT water supply and anything over 120 degrees Fahrenheit or for you northerners 48.8888889 degrees Celsius is noted as a potential scald hazard. Unless all associated faucets or water heater has a tempering valve, maintaining excessive temps can cause scald injury in a short period of time. hth

If the concerns are about Legionellosis Legionnaires’ disease many water sources are susceptible unless they are preheated above unsafe scalding temperatures for a prolonged period of time. Many inspectors measure & report HOT water supply and anything over 120 degrees Fahrenheit or for you northerners 49 degrees Celsius is noted as a potential scald hazard. Unless all associated faucets or water heater has a tempering valve, maintaining the required excessive temps to kill this bacteria can cause scald injury in a short period of time. hth

Canada Requires all water heaters new instulation to be 140°F and to have a tempering valve since about 2,000