Chrysler age codes

Does anyone out there in NACHILAND have the age codes for Chrysler A/C and furnaces? I can’t seem to find them. Thanks in advance.


Did you try the Carson Dunlop technical reference guide? You also might look under AIRTEMP and FEDDERS.

Chysler became subsidiary of Fedders Corp. in 1976.

Then Fedders Discontinued manufacturing unitary (spit-system and packaged equipment) in early 1980s. They only sell window units under Fedders, Climatrol, Airtemp, Hunter & Emerson Quiet Kool brands.

So you know you have a system that is 20+ years.

Thanks for the info David. The Chrysler unit I inspected last week appeared to be about 20, but I just wanted to verify by the serial number. I still see 3-4 a year in my area. Thanks again.