How does the air conditioner work?

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What if you client tomorrow asks you, "So, tell me… How does my air conditioner work?"

What will you say?

Do you know how an air conditioner works? Can you describe the refrigerant cycle to your client? Be honest.

Can you make it easy to understand?

If you have any doubts in your ability, that’s okay. You can study and learn about HVAC. From home. At your learning pace. You can watch this training video as many times as you want - even after taking the final exam. Take your time. Unlimited viewing time, unlimited access.

Learn from an expert instructor the BEST non-invasive, visual-only inspection techniques as required by the Residential SOP.

Click here to learn more - To be your best - and hence charge more $$$

It dosen’t

3496 E Riopelle Ave 9-23-09 029.JPG

3496 E Riopelle Ave 9-23-09 029.JPG

“It blows cold air into the home.” Nuff said.

I agree, I’d preface it by stating “When the thermostat is on…”


Dang. I forgot that step. ](*,)

You need more training.

The simplest answer is, “by redistributing heat.”

Shabby, fellas.

What if you client tomorrow asks you, **“So, tell me… How does my air conditioner work?”

What do you say?

Tacky, Ben.:roll:

What’s the** best tool** every InterNACHI inspector should use to determine if the air conditioner is operating properly in the summer time?

Maybe this picture from the class will help.

Ben…I thought this was an “advanced” course.

BTW, did you mail my books?

I believe it is an advanced course. The table of contents is listed on

Personally… In 15 years doing both res and com inspections, I thought I knew everything that I needed. Then I produced the online training video.

I’ve traveled around the country teaching InterNACHI inspectors and asking this question: “Explain to me, as if I were tomorrow’s client, how the air conditioner works.” You’d be surprised.

I realized that the more training an InterNACHI inspector has:

  • fewer mistakes are made
  • inspections are quicker and more efficient
  • better service is provided
  • and the bar is raised for all of us at InterNACHI

As a result of taking training, an inspector can charge more money.

Training = Money.
It’s a no-brainer.

How hard is it say - “the same as your refrigerator” ??

I agree Ben I worked on Ac And heating but i am still willing to take courses to refresh and learn. It is a bad day when you can not learn something new . Even old dogs learn new tricks it just takes longer lol

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I’m not knocking education guys. Just having a little fun with Ben. :wink:

Not hard to say, “$396 for that! HA!” either.

As a result of saying easy things:
Do you hear that? … that’s silence… no inspection phone ringing…

Speaking of old dogs :cool:

Everyone who doesn’t understand refrigeration should take Ben’s course.

I have not forgotten how it works.

I used to work along side a refrigeration tech and I asked a lot of questions.


I understand and agree with you.

It’s just that, in my opinion, and advanced course would take into consideration that the student already knows the basics…such as, how his a/c works…and go from there.

This is not a criticism…just an observation.

Nope , I am not . I worked on it for 23 years a tech . I think may still take it but not right now, Blows the cob webs out plus CE credits.
So how many times did the tech swat you lolol