Problem or not

Can you see a future problem here brand new home never been lived in heat pump with back up electrical furnace

Ok Cmi’s Nick proclaims ya guys are best of the best do a visual on the furnace and tell me what ya see or don’t see???

# 21 Old Post RD Enid 2-17-12 067.jpg

# 21 Old Post RD Enid 2-17-12 066.jpg

# 21 Old Post RD Enid 2-17-12 068.jpg

I do not see anything to catch the condensation, also is that a filter half across the coil? just had sec to look Charlie i will be back

There is a condensation pan beneath the coil no not a filter across the coil either . Return air filters are in the hall ceiling hurry back I don’t want you to loose your CMI designation this is a test;-):smiley:

LOL if i was blind i would say the coil is in wrong , I am still puzzled what that the grill type material is on the coil to the right? bouncing back and forth ( i least i am trying ) lol

I am not giving the answer yet waiting for your CMI brothers to jump in so I can take all the strips away at once Oh this is not the military cannot take strips away:D:D Nick is the big dog he is the master master inspector get him over here he should see it within 30 seconds

Missing Flange

One clue only the size of the heat pump is 5 ton a big sucker;-):wink:

I know,I know!!

Wrong color wire identification!

Won’t stay running a year that way!!

Or maybe it will run backwards!?

??? :slight_smile:

Nope better get some help going to be a long night and I have a report to write and a IR proposal to submit

Hey Bud ya need some more training:D:D I am available on weekends only;-)

Yea, we need to get together some weekend and talk “horse” or something! :wink:

Coil on wrong side…

What size is that return flex duct ? also that ref. piping looks on the small side for a 5 ton system.
Here in Florida we are required to have a secondary pan that covers complete unit…with safety switch

Nope no problem there thanks for ya try WE need Nick WE need Nick he is the problem solver:D:D

Charlie …off topic but could you please chime in on this when you have time…

We do need to do that I have been reducing horse herd down to 10 from 37 got two more to sell. Need Carl to smoke some more meat and have a gathering

Did they use a boot mat tray for the secondary pan?

This might have been better:

S6301322 [640x480].JPG

S6301309 [640x480].JPG

Coil orientation? That’s not a capillary tube coil is it?

I would think that the blower being after the coils will burn out the motor quicker. We don’t deal with heat pumps here as much as you do in the south so being a CMI does not make me an expert in this design just like non of you can be an expert in -40 below designed Healthy Homes. JMO

No comment yet! One other thing I observed is you said it was a 5 ton unit. They may be able to extract enough heat for mild conditions but when it comes to hot summers they will sacrifice with short cycling of the AC and the home will be damp all the time.