Garage Sink connected to water heater drain

Haven’t seen this one yet. A sink in the garage is plumbed from the water heater drain connection. Eventually sediment will cause problems in the fixture but is there a code prohibiting connecting to it? I plan on recommending removing the free standing plastic sink or having it connected properly but is it really much of an issue?

It’s amateurish, and may provide insight into other half-assery you are likely to encounter, but there’s nothing especially serious about it. Water heating systems equipped with circulating pumps are often plumbed through the tank drain.

I personally would consider the piping of the T&P discharge and failure to elevate the ignition source in the garage more significant issues (safety related) and the lack of a drain on the pan at least equal in terms of deficiencies.

I might even comment on proximity to combustibles.

Just based on that one picture, it looks like we have a responsible homeowner who knows that the water heater should be drained once a year and he has hooked up a connection at the water heater drain valve and taken it to the sink or sink plumbing to drain. Each year, when he’s ready to drain the water heater, he just turns the drain valve and out goes all the water down the sink drain. I’m not seeing a problem based on that one pictures, just excellent homeownership.

Haven’t seen this one yet. A sink in the garage is plumbed from the water heater drain connection.

Do you have a picture of the sink?

By “plumbed” I am assuming you mean the hot water supply comes from the drain at the water heater…

If, on the other hand, it is just near the sink and drains into it, as Russel said, I don’t have a problem with it.