Residential Fire Sprinklers...Need info.

What type of verbiage should we state for these sprinklers systems.
who services them ?

My standard comment is:

You will likely have a Western Statesprovider in or near your area.

The panel access you have pictured is for inspection by the Fire Marshall. It is city/county property.

Mikes narrative will work for CA, but I wouldn’t list a service provider by name.

The reason I do reference a service provider in this case is that the vast majority of folks don’t have a clue as to who to call for service or a more thorough inspection of such systems. That includes home inspectors as well. I live on the edge :p.

That panel shows the flow switch and the gauge. It is the riser for a residential sprinkler system and should be visually inspected monthly. That is usually the responsibilty of the owner. A copy of NFPA 25 should be left at the home by the installer. NFPA 25 will explain the frequency and type of required inspections.

Thanks everyone…