Pier and beam foundation, no masonry walls

I completed a home inspection and the structure was unique. There was a front porch with what appeared to be a structural brick wall at the front. I was able to see that wooden piers were constructed along the one side of the house with beams running horizontally. There was also rear addition which had a block foundation. Each side of the house was basically wood siding with stucco that was in contact with the dirt and was rotting. There was no masonry exterior foundation wall. The main part of the house appeared to be supported by wood piers and beams.

The main part of the house had a crawl space which was too small to be accessible and at the entrance was blocked by duct work, piping, and low clearance. Did anybody ever come across a foundation like this? or a situation like this? How did you handle it?


You document the observed deficiencies, distress conditions and lack of access

You should fill out your location information in your profile as this may help members answer your question by letting them know where a house has been constructed. I have not seen the type of construction you described. It would be interesting to know where houses like this are built.