Tuct pointing

I have some basement walls that need attention. Anyone have any good resources on tuct pointing?

Hi. Jeff;

Hope this helps.





Marcel :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I have watched Brickies do it and it is easy .
I tried and it was a disaster.
I had to do my chimney.
What I found is Home Depot has a big BAG look like the Bag chefs use for writing on a cake .
It is made for just what you want to do .
So you have two choices the way I see it Give Marcel a paid holiday or go to Home Depot and do it your self.
I did it in the hot weather so lots of water on the Bricks and try and do the shady side .
It turned out great Cost under $10;00.
Good Luck /

Roy Cooke


That’s very good info!!! Thanks

Great info Marcel. I unfortunately can’t give you any reputation, though. I recently gave it to you on another post. I need to be less stingy with my squares.

Roy, same story.

You got it Roy, that is exactly what they are. So if you are a good cook, it’s a piece of cake, with decorative frosting decor. ha. ha…

Marcel :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

P.S. You are welcome Mario.


I got it covered, I just gave Marcel and Roy rep.