Question about Roof Truss

Two roof trusses passing above an interior hallway have been cut to install a pull-down attic ladder. There is no cracking or indication of distress on the walls or ceilings. Which of the following is the most appropriate action?

  1. This is not a concern since there is no indication of distress

  2. This is beyond the scope of an inspection and does not need to be reported.

  3. The inspector can evaluate the remaining pieces of the trusses as if they were site-built

  4. The inspector should recommend this situation be referred to a structural engineer.

I am leaning towards #4 since a qualified professional should be able to better determine if this is a safety issue.


**#5… None of the above. **

You shouldn’t be getting test answers by asking inspectors online.


If the student has trouble with that one, it’s time to hit the books again.