Advertising statements

Do you believe this statement to be accurate below?
Is Ashi not acceptable?
How many associations are there in Canada?

It is also come to light that OAHI is witholding information from its members. If you are a dual member of OAHI/NACHI you are on a blacklist and will not recieve monthly notices if you have used CHI or made any mention of Nachi Membership on your website.

** Certification
To ensure that your inspector is a qualified professional, select one who is a member of the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors and the Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors.

Many organizations require only an application fee for membership. Some claim to offer certification but don’t require exams or proven credentials. CAHPI is the only national non-profit professional organization in Canada that rigorously tests home inspectors about their technical knowledge and diagnostic expertise prior to joining the organization as well as requiring continuing education after admission to keep current with new technology and building practices.**

It is wrong but not much different then it has been with OAHI/CAHPI for a few years .
Unfortunately many members do not know and do not care.
They just pay their dues and do there inspections .
This has been comming for a few years .
They constantly have trouble getting enough members to vote .

You’ll never guess who’s site the above is from. And even more surprising considering at least one Nachi member is now Nationally Certified!

I give up, WHO?

Nobody, whether they are CAHPI, NACHI, ASHI or even those non-association aligned members are yet National Certificate Holders. Furthermore nobody has yet been advised whether or not they have been successful satisfying all of the conditions (Test Inpection with Peer Review and the NCA Background Review).

That information and the details remain to be announced in the next short while.

This is driving me crazy, and which is one of the reasons that I wish I had the opportunity to post messages a few month ago. Maybe its just in my geographical area, But probably 90% of potential home buyers don’t care about any association. It’s all greek to us ( no insults to the greeks here). :slight_smile:

Can any one here seriously say that they get most of their business because they belong to some association? Give it up…who cares. Does being a member make you a better inspector? Of course not. Can being a member make you a better inspector?..Sure it could …if you allow it. You guys know what makes a good home inspector and what doesn’t. Please don’t live by the “acrynom”. Heck I could be a CMHI or an MHI or possibly a LMHI…what does these mean? Who gives a crap.

I “could” also be a member of the TTMAC or the TCA…but why ??? no one has heard of them …have you???

Roy R., et al.

That very statement is on Bill Mullens website along with the OAHI logo.
Once again Mr. Mullen the National Spokesperson doesn’t have any clue what the hell he is talking about! He can’t get the facts straight, his statements are misleading, and he just doesn’t get it, there is no equation relating inspectors performance based on membership. Speak about using a broad paint brush, the brush is dripping in ego.

Claude, that sure is strange because that is not what I have been hearing!

Why do you continually deny there are any problem whatsoever? The biggest problem you seem to have is that your own colleagues in CAHPI along with OAHI continually show their true colours!

It is well documented that OAHI a major CAHPI player and signatory has no intention of dealing with Nachi as a body fairly or equally, and that filters right down to individual members who happen to be dual members (OAHI/NACHI).

For anyone to be claiming through membership the whole lot of inspectors are incompetent and uneducated, and do not pass some bar is the biggest load of crap uttered in an attempt to dupe the public!

Bill has pr oven many times over the years he has the ability to chastise others and some how does not mind S T R E C H I N G the truth for himself.
He says on his web site ( “Two inspectors at most inspections” )
I can not find an other Home Inspector listed in his area on the OAHI web site ( I Wonder does his other Home Inspector belong to NACHI)
( .Our professionally trained staff will provide you with: . )
Where in Canada did Bill and his ??? get professional training ?

( If necessary, we can prepare an onsite checklist report, but due to the limitations and inferiority of this type of report we do not promote this practice. An on-site printed summary is available. )
Gee he must be jealous of Carson Dunlop the largest Home Inspection group in Canada. They sell and use the Check list report.
They also have the Carson Dunlop family home inspectors across Canada who all use the C&D reporting system.
I have read more then then once that more people have been sued using the Computer generated report system ( I believe that includes Bill Mullen )
then have been sued using the Carson Dunlop Check list reporting system
( .That includes me and I have never been sued. )
Gee that is not the only error?
He is just one more of the Secret Group who are trying to impose their ideas , thoughts and controls on the Home Inspection in Canada.
Never if I have any thing to do with it .
They are all conniving slippery people who will not come out and tell the truth and admit what they are trying to do .
They have planted members all across Canada and even some inside NACHI and inside at least one committee of NACHI.
When asked a direct question they just ignore and answers are not given.

Roy Cooke NACHI The association where the truth comes out

Ray - where in my post did I deny?

I was responding to the post that seem to be indicating information being officially released about some person with the claim respecting the “nationally certified”.

If some person within NACHI (or any other association) was making such a claim, than they are doing so without the official endorsement.

It’s that plain and simple. The announcement of those persons will take place in November - it’s not been announced yet because it still is October, and no official release has taken place to support such a claim.

CMI is international as NACHI owns the rights to use CMI after the name of NACHI cerfified inspectors. So I have international certification.
Why fiddle around with national when you can have international status.
The CMI standard far exceeds CAPHI and provincial chapters.

Fiddle around with the National? Who’s fiddling who? Here we have a spokesperson who continually shows his contempt for anything other then his pet project.

CAHPI and its management have no intention of playing fair, just as they have no intention of telling those of their own in management to shut up and to stop making irrational, irrelevent, unproven comments about inspectors who are not members of CAHPI or OAHI. We know who is running CAHPI and its not the Invisible Man but those who appointed themselves. The system is as rotten as its permitted to be. Management has continually denied and ignored such statements because it protects its own.

Claude you have a problem on your hands and you continually deny its a problem let alone its existence.

Unfortunately Bill Mullen works from two sets of rules his rules, and the proper set of rules for every one else.
On his Private CANUK list he called Raymond very many not Nice Names one of witch was Raymond you are a BLxxxY Liar.
I Softly said I think Bill you might be having a bad day and it might be a good idea to go and remove your post about Raymond…
I guess I should have stayed quiet as he told me in again not nice terms to mind my own Fxxxing business and threw me off his BB.
I and others who wanted the truth where removed .
I do know others who will not make a post for fear of removal as there is much good information traded and they do like most of the members and the education.
I guess he learned his attitude well when he served on the OAHI BOD.
What a lousy way to go through life MY way or the HIGHWAY.
I wonder what protection is there for Non CAHPI Home Inspectors from the Bullying group of self appointed Directors who will use any Hanky Panky to Pressure all Home Inspectors to see it their way.
As Bill Mullens web site shows he does as he pleases and to HE77 with those who want fair play. OAHI/CAHPI both do as they please .
I think a full Probe would sure help the Home Inspection Industry in Canada.
I expect it is just a matter of time till the POOP hits the Fan.
Roy Cooke A Happy NACHI member

Remember Whistler

I’ve been called a lot of things and have been accused of a lot of things by Bill Mullen and cohorts. Yet not one of them has been able to substantiate anything, nor has anyone been able to enact any form of discipline because they have been found to be lacking the ability to provide due process or back up what they claim via the by-laws which they fail to understand. Even Claude is powerless, and is freightened to rock the boat for fear of falling out and drowning. :wink:

** Certification
To ensure that your inspector is a qualified professional, select one who is a member of the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors and the Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors.

Many organizations require only an application fee for membership. Some claim to offer certification but don’t require exams or proven credentials. CAHPI is the only national non-profit professional organization in Canada that rigorously tests home inspectors about their technical knowledge and diagnostic expertise prior to joining the organization as well as requiring continuing education after admission to keep current with new technology and building practices.**

To the Editor
It has come to the attention of the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors Canada “NACHI” that this statement has been posted on the website of one of the Home Inspectors who is not a member of this association, NACHI. What is being inferred is that if a home inspector is not a member of OAHI or CAHPI then they do not have the qualifications to perform a home inspection. This is not the case. The National Association of Certified Home Inspectors is the only home inspection association in North America that requires anyone wishing to become a member to pass an on line exam and provide the association with a written affidavit attesting to their level of education and qualifications before they are allowed to become members. Oahi and Cahpi on the other hand require that you send in the fee and you are a member. I am not saying Oahi and Cahpi members are not qualified, only that they are not the only association that “**rigorously tests home inspectors about their technical knowledge and diagnostic expertise prior to joining the organization as well as requiring continuing education after admission to keep current with new technology and building practices” **As a matter of record, where Oahi and Cahpi require 24 hours or ceu’s of continuing education over a 2 year period Nachi requires 30 hours or ceu’s per year to continue to be a member in good standing with the association.
In addition to asking your potential home inspector if he or she is qualified it might be a good idea to ask if they are members of the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors, Nachi, the largest home inspection association in North America and the only association to front load requirements to join.
Larry Ewens
NACHI Canada
This will be going out to the editor of the local paper in Bill Mullins’ home town today.


Thats great!

Its unfortunate CAHPI through its spokesperson has been permitted to continually portray Nachi both privately and publicly as inferior. Concerns over these comments have been ignored by CAHPI, and CAHPI seems quite contend on spreading erroneous facts. Just as their spokesperson has also relayed on other numerous occassions that some individuals have been trying to derail the National. What has been done is the questioning of statements as fact about the National. There is also conern regarding published news article alluding to the fact there are 5000 inspectors in Canada who will be certified by 2007. We all know this to be erroneous except the person spreading the falsities who seems to be errant on his facts which he likes to portray to the public. Lets not forget OAHI has also been negligent in spreading misinformation about Nachi and targeting dual members as being inferior and implying that such membership is harmful to their business. Its unfortunate that both the VP, DPPC Chair, and Director of CAHPI have along with the National Spokesperson have failed to see the error of their attitudes and statements.