IS CAHPI hardup?

PSST: Wanna attend the CAHPI National Home Inspectors Conference?

If you’re a member of ASHI you can attend…


This has always ben that way .
Before CAHPI it was only ASHI .
I still think they use the ASHI SOP and a CAHPI member can join ASHI and become automatic a full ASHI member instantly .
I joined ASHI when I was a OAHI/CAHPI member .

Lets see! Spend $695.00 to be with a group that has used deception as the aim to bring in Home Inspectors. Fought tooth and nail to discredit InterNachi Inspectors at every turn. Will not accept the training provided by InterNachi and at this point have been caught with using the RHI advertising as a means of showing they have the only government approval in Canada, which has proven to not be true.
Better to spend that on InterNachi and get free accurate education that is accepted by the Government.
Bank the rest for when you qualify for CMI.