NACHI official discussion board for OAHI/CAHPI INFO

I just wanted to thank a certain invidividual in OAHI who had the foresight to publish on the OAHI CAFE instructing members in OAHI who use the CAFE (not many do) to come to the NACHI board for information from the moles. I guess some are now realizing that most of the information that has been discussed and released here for sometime about the goings on in CAHPI and OAHI have been pretty much on the money.

Now that some members in OAHI are tunning into the troubles about CAHPI it is just a matter of time before some of them raise the questions about the troubling lack of financial accountantability in OAHI and the lack of Minutes before the up comming AGM.

It appears once again that the private list run by Mr. Mullen known as the CANUCK list is spreading false info, and misrepresenting the facts to a closed mindset with regard to National Certification.

Certain elements on the CANUCK list will go to any extremes to belittle and call into question people who have the brains to question the National. It most certainly appears those in disagreement with CAHPI are not allowed to come to opposite conclusions, or think for themselves. Why do certain people on the CANUCK state not to question CAHPI until after the AGM? We know how OAHI/CAHPI think, they do the thinking for the membership and screw the membership, we make the decisions and members input is not required nor wanted!
Very dangerous advice given the history of CAHPI and the lack of dissemination of info.

Now CAHPI is skirting the issue with OAHI members regarding non aligned inspectors being certified, and CMHC involvement and financing by CMHC. Gee I am glad CMHC is so free with taxpayers money, to be playing games by a body specifically set up to manage itself and regulate itself.

Now if OAHI members would only wake up to the fact that they should also be questioning the finances and the lack of financial reporting to the membership in OAHI and the finances of CAHPI. Where is the money going and what and where are the benefits? Improper financial statements leaves room for abuse.

I hope OAHI members have seen the light and vote to suspend participation with CAHPI at the upcoming AGM. This nothing but a select few deciding the fate and interest of the home inspection industry.

HI Ray!
Here is what I don’t understand;

Why would any member of O.A.H.I. vote in support of the ‘national’ when by doing so they are agreeing to subject every member of their organization to the same anal exam every ‘newby’ is going to have to pass. Isn’t this basically agreeing to surrender all the R.H.I.s , senior members and all those who were “grandfathered” way back when, regardless of their experience or years on the job, to yet another rectal examination by yet another level of governance?

I don’t know about you but if I was an O.A.H.I. member I would be lighting the torches and preparing to storm the O.A.H.I. head offices before they gave my business and years of experience away to the whims and vagaries of some bureaucratic entity over which, seemingly, nobody has control. I certainly wouldn’t be very happy at having to start all over again and start taking classes etc with the new guys.

George stated…

Why would any member of O.A.H.I. vote in support of the ‘national’ when by doing so they are agreeing to subject every member of their organization to the same anal exam every ‘newby’ is going to have to pass. Isn’t this basically agreeing to surrender all the R.H.I.s , senior members and all those who were “grandfathered” way back when, regardless of their experience or years on the job, to yet another rectal examination by yet another level of governance?

To use your verbage; because they are anal!

Consider if you will that OAHI has contributed to the National Initiative financially while letting CAHPI do and say as it pleases with no member input whatsoever by way of ballot, or published by-laws which permit OAHI participation, let alone a name change to CAHPI-Ontario amongst other questionable statements and actions. I would be pretty peeved at the BOD of OAHI for allowing such a scheme to continue, which essentially means the National has no force and violates its own self regulating role, and possibly its own by-laws, and it calls into question OAHI funding over the years. All these decision have been made behind closed doors, and no accountability to show for the funds that have been forwarded over the years.

Now you will have introverts on the BOD of OAHI trying to sell to the membership another incomplete set of financial figures to the membership, and another lack of accountability by way of unpublished (if even kept as required) financial records, and BOD Minutes. No minutes means anything can be done and voted on by the BOD as it relates to CAHPI without the membership at large knowing about it till after the fact. What is even more frightening is the fact some member who is anal will stand up at the AGM and motion to have the budget and other financial info approved, and another anal member will 2nd the motion without anyone actually seeing anything!

In regards to the 2006 budget has been prepared for review and which is very short in detail, there are so many AGM special assessments and motions, for example, regarding the suspension of involvement in CAHPI that have financial impacts not yet reflected in the 2006 budget. How can one even vote on the 2006 budget without first knowing the outcome of these motions / special assessments if there’s no “final” budget to reflect this information? Similarly, how can one vote on the 2006 budget when there are no audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2005 to review and compare with the 2066 budget that has been prepared?

To top it off you have CAHPI BOD who are all appointed running around selling the goods which we all know are not worth much, and approving its own budgets and approving its own minutes and administering and writing policy that many will supposedly have to follow. Then selling the goods to a Federal body which is supplying tax dollars to a bunch of appointees. We keep hearing from appointed people who are running the show, and no one has heard a peep from the Presidente of CAHPI aka the Invisible Man. Then you have the chief spokesperson running around selling a commodity which has not been proven to be beneficial, nor being able to demonstrate the real benefits. You also have the spokesperson for CAHPI promoting the fact that NACHI has signed onto the National when in fact it hasn’t and won’t.

What is needed in my opinion is a complete and full audit of OAHI and CAHPI perhaps by the auditor general in Ottawa, and the auditor general in Ontario to ascertain what is what.

I know of at least two OAHI treasures who quit in Mid term who asked these same questions.
The members do not seem to care or ask questions.
I asked for a forensic audit and said I would pay for it if the books where to be proven to have no discrepancies.
No takers so I guess the membership is satisfied with what they have.

Roy Cooke sr. A Happy NACHI Member

So NACHI has become the OFFICAL board of information for CAPHI and OAHI.

I hope NACHI is collecting membership dues for this, or they should be.

Oh wait I know thats what the $250,000 of tax payers money was for that was granted to CAPHI so that it could provide memberships to all to belong to NACHI. Oh I get it now.