Mr. Lloyds last words (message)

Tom Lloyd, RHI, National Certificate Holder
Secretary & Director CAHPI-National

Over the last few years the Chicken Littles’ have been making outlandish statements about the demise of CAHPI and the National Certification
program. Once again another year is soon coming to an end and we are stronger, bigger and better. Our stakeholders are more than pleased with the progress that we have made and are now rallying behind us as we make the next important steps forward. Although at times it seems that nothing is happening, rest assured that your Board of Directors and our office staff are working hard on your behalf. When dealing with stakeholders they want to be assured that everything is being done properly, and in the proper order. History has shown us time and time again that moving too rapidly and not covering all of the bases usually results in a fast rise to the top and a fast crash and burn. Our show case event of the year is fast approaching, that being our AGM and National Conference.

Our opportunity to show off to the world, the stakeholders and the inspection industry something that has not been done anywhere before. The National Certification Program has been worked on and reworked to make it the success that it is today and because of the process that has been put into place it will continue to grow and be more and more successful. Yes we could have just stated that we are National Certificate Holders, but making the statement without the proper procedures and the proper checks and balances does not lead to credibility. It will stand the test of time and scrutiny.

As stated earlier, the AGM and National Conference is fast approaching us and the excitement is building. The opportunity to meet with old friends and make new friends is always a bonus, but even more so, I appreciate some of the best educational seminars in Canada being offered without the heavy sales tactics. The exhibitors once again are the best in the industry. The products and services that will be on display will no doubt enhance your business. Some will be familiar while others will be new. I hope that each and everyone that attends will take the opportunity to visit the displays and ask questions.

The AGM will no doubt produce a dynamic new board of directors Some of the present Board will be stepping down as they deserve a rest from the hard work, time, and dedication that they have put towards molding the Association into the product that we now have. This hard work and dedication have made CAHPI and the NCP the envy of the Inspection industry. The new Board will no doubt carry on with the master plan to bring the standards across the country to the same level, as well as educate the stakeholders.

In closing I would like to personally thank all of the members that have put so much into CAHPI National and the NCP. The names are too many to mention here but you know who you are. I want to also wish the best of luck to the new incoming board . You will do well.

Last but not least, to all of you attending the conference enjoy the opportunity that you have before you. You will learn a lot. Remember “Education is the Foundation of our Future”. A heartfelt thank you to the speakers for sharing their knowledge, to the sponsors for their continuing support, and to the exhibitors for attending and presenting their products. Together we will take our profession into the future with confidence.

Yes and Chicken Little Mr. Lloyd has been making outlandish statements in his various capacities about Nachi. Nachis demise has been greatly exaggerated! :mrgreen: