Cost for 5 inspections

Good Morning,
I read that If I join Naachi I will get free pre license training but how much theses 5 inspections will cost me.
Thank you.

What 5 inspections?

Some states require you perform 5 inspections with a licensed inspector. Someone may help you out and do it for free. You may have to travel a bit because no one will likely help the competition in the same area. Good luck

Members have free, unlimited access to all InterNACHI online courses. Some courses are open and free to all. To access all of the courses, non-members must pay $49/month or an annual fee of $499 (the same price members pay).

Are you referring to the four inspections you will need to perform before becoming a member? If yes, the cost to perform the inspections will include the cost of your time, tools, and your monthly or annual InterNachi due. There are additional cost which you should consider before becoming a home inspector.

  • Additional cost to become licensed in your state. Check with your state.
  • Cost of physical equipment that will be needed to properly inspect a house.
  • Cost of creating the LLC, insurance, and other things to keep your business legal.
  • Marketing cost such as a website, inspection report software, etc.


Will send 5 Inspections for $10,000