Big D will never be the same

Here I sit in a hotel room in Dallas Tx waiting to start a commercial electrical IR job in the morning think I will wear my Red Sooner hat out to the mall and see if I can terrrorize the local Longhorns

Be careful how You use that hat Charley…You know what it does to the ladies…

I heard they showered him with Depends in Indy.:stuck_out_tongue:

Bring you camera!!!

Don’t want no "BS (undocumented) stories floating around! :wink:

Hay, Charley Brown can run you young guys into the ground!

They can only hope to keep up.
Come to New Orleans yous guys and see for yourself!

I’m sure you and Barry will have a blast :smiley:

for the sweet

Women just hang off balconies to see Charley in his red hat. :):wink:

been there seen that :mrgreen:

I don’t recall that;-)

just a rumor

Hope you guys have a good time during and after.

Stay out of trouble Charley, see you in New Orleans soon…:cool:

Drove out for dinner last evening and from where I am staying in the Corp business section DFW the commercial flat roof buildings are in the thousands an IR dream come true I can tell I need to do some heavy marketing in this city absolute money going to waste here:D:D I like Texas

a n d

the rest of the story?