What's this?

Can you all tell me what you see at this cathedral ceiling?

“Click to Emlarge”

Hint like ceiling material maybe?

I’ve seen this before, knot going to just guess out loud.


Hmmm…a clue maybe? :wink:

I woodn’t try to read too deep into my posts. This isn’t my photo.



Even though you hid your answer, you are correct.

I’m simply posting this so the rookies working with IR camera’s can learn from this image.

:roll: :smiley:

Thanks David Good to know.


Hey, I bet I know.

IR image taken during a hail storm. ha. ha.

OK, would you guys tell me what the hell I am looking at?

Condensation droplets or what?

Suspense is killing me.

OK, David lets have it ha. ha.

Marcel :slight_smile: :wink:


The answer is right in front of your eyes.

Tom stated “I’ve seen this before, knot going to just guess out loud.”

knot was the clue word.

Then he stated “I woodn’t try to read too deep into my posts”.

Woodn’t was the clue word here.

Here’s the real time image…

“Click to Enlarge”

Those spots you see are knots in a wood ceiling. Knots will always conduct the apparent temperature of it’s outer core.

I’ll be damn, It is picking up the sap in the notty pine boards.

I guess seeing what you are taking a picture of helps. ha. ha.

Marcel :slight_smile: :smiley:


It’s not the sap. A knot is solid verses the pourous wood. A solid knot will conduct exterior temperature better than the pourous wood itself.

David, is that a trial and error deduction or is that something you learn?


Oh, and thanks for your teachings on this. :slight_smile: :smiley:

It’s simply a deduction.

Not all knots are full of sap. I do know that knots are hard as hell and I do know that anything that is a solid will definitely conduct an apparent temperature a lot better than the boards themselves because the wood is not as solid as a knot.

Good stuff!

Good job…:slight_smile:

It is covered in itc Building Science.
