inspecting a pre-inspected home

Just curious as to what are everyone’s thoughts regarding inspecting a house for the buyer that has been pre-inspected for the seller by a different inspector

You are hired to do your inspection.
Things may have changed between the time of the two inspections.
Different inspectors may spot different issues.

I would not allow it to worry me, or influence me. Do not get into some type of call out battle where you start indicating things that the sellers inspector obviously missed, just report the found issue and move on.

Do it as you would treat as a completely new inspection, things could always change between the previous inspection and today.

If you’re doing you’re job right and the other inspector is doing his, the reports should be pretty close. Unfortunatly that almost never happens and they often conflict. I had an inspection with a $10,000 chimney fix that the other inspector did not find on his PL inspection. 3 engineers said it was “major problem” and he fought it tooth and nail that it wasn’t. Just don’t be the guy that misses something in that situation

Remember they have his inspection to compare it to. So not only are they checking him, they are also checking you. Unless you have a copy of the report, then your OK…

Different people will see different things and/or react differently to them. We do these types of inspections all the time. If you are a good inspector you have nothing to worry about. I have seen three engineers come up with three different answers on if certain settling cracks are a structural issue or not.

He better have been good or he’s going to be embarrassed.

I do tell client to expect there to be differences in the reports, that no two inspectors will be identical. I tell them that I will be happy to explain my perspective on any discrepancies.