A while back I was given this nice website where you are able to type in what you are looking for as far as building products and company listings and most times directs you to the appropriate Government Agency for approval. Sorry I forgot to share it with everyone. Hope everyone benefits and makes their job a little bit easier.


It’s a work in progress and isn’t perfect but, I find it comes in pretty handy. And best of all, it’s free! So far anyway. Please try it and share your thoughts with everyone here.



I would have posted this but, I thought everyone knew about it.:wink: It is pretty good. I have it on my phone so I can look up the numbers right there at the house, then e mail the page to myself. It is waiting for me when I get back to the office.

Thanks Humberto for the link is very helpful.:smiley:

You’re welcome Odany. Much luck and success to you.


Yeah it is not real complete but any extra source helps so thanks for posting it.

I believe the reason for that Bob is, the person that created and maintains the site is based down here in Florida and started with the idea of helping fellow Floridians. It has since expanded but the bulk of the agencies and sources are within the State. But from what I hear it is continuing to grow and eventually may be more beneficial to other locals.


My first entry was saddle valves and got no result then on sumps got one company but no info really.

Hey Bob you anywhere near Ginos East? The wife and I were up that way last year and stopped in to eat there. Really enjoyed it. Amazing the graffittti everywhere. Even on the ceilings.

Should have mentioned I think we were at 633 Wells. I know they have several.