chapter meeting in WPB in under way!

Russ is speaking about marketing

Russ talking about marketing’, full house!

Ok its break time so here are a few items discussed:
read it and break it down

Market to you past clients. Customer relations.

Uniforms with the name of your company and the inspector, this will promote name recognition for your company

Build relationships with your customers, it’ll pay dividends

Hire an office person, at least an person to answer the phone, Russ’s business went up 100% when he hired a office person, one that answers the phone with a smile on and promotes your business.

Sell the value of your service ( purple cow)
Find your purple cow and promote it.

Market to RE Attorneys----they will funnel clients and realtor’s your way

33% of the houses have radon over 4 picocuries in Southwest Florida (Russ’s territory).
Market doing Radon Testing.

It.s good to finally meet face to face
so many of the inspectors you see on the board.

Morning session is over Russ did a great job on the marketing. Lunch was great
and everyone is networking which is a lot of fun and as Jay put it, put a face to the people we all see on the Forum.

John will start the afternoon off with the new B1-1802 review. This should be fun ! We’ll keep ya posted!

Greg Bell is giving us a Legislative Update before Johns review.
Important points ( I’ll do the best I can I can’t hear very well I am in the back of the room)

  1. The SOP is out—everyone needs to review that and make comments and send those to Greg Bell. Review a copy of that on this post Post # 1
    He will then (on his own time) process the remarks and deliver them to the rule making authorities. So please review and comment.

And please make a donation to FHII to help support our Lobbyist in our Legislative efforts. Just go to the FLHII web site

Fred went to lunch and was never seen again! :mrgreen: Last I heard, he and several others wanted to try the food in Belle Glade…:mrgreen:

The rest of the meeting dealt with the new 1802. John did a great job trying to explain the finer points. As I said John, this should be the last time you do this for free!:mrgreen:

It was a pleasure meeting some of the guys who frequent the message board and are true professionals that want to elevate the profession.

For those that wanted the info sheet for the Sanibal strap, it is attached.

According to the spec sheet, it is classified as a double wrap, so on the form you wuld have to mark double wrap, show pictues of the strap, and include this spec sheet. I got this from the manufacturer and I am pretty sure I still have the e mail with their contact information if anyone wants it.
If I am incorrect John, please correct me.

All in all, a very productive day!

To celebrate MLK day, I’ll be doing two inspections!:mrgreen:

And now, on to a couple of porterhouse steaks on the grill…

Ahhh, Porterhouse my favorite.

Good meeting indeed. Great presentations both in the morning and afternoon.

Thanks again to all and a special thanks to the Shishilla and Halstead wives for their hard work in preparing this event.


Thanks so much Bert! It was great to see everyone today!

Russ donated $652.00 today. This makes Russ the number one donater to the legislative fund, followed by a close second Nick Gromicko.

We raised $2250.00 today! Nice!

To all that are in attendance, I know you are learning from Russ John and others that you are meeting. Wish I was there with you. Great job on the legislative funding guys, you are on a roll. Don’t stop giving we need a whole lot to be able to make “stuff” happen.

Wow! What a great turn out. Thank you to all that attended. Also i want to thank all that made donations to our legislegislative fund and A special thanks to Russ for his very generous donation . I wonder how Nick likes being number 2.

Michelle and Pilar worked very hard to make sure everything ran perfectly. Great job girls!

Thanks John, Michelle, Preston, Pilar, Russ, Greg and anyone else that made this happen. Another great event.

I agree & It was great meeting you as well. :smiley:

Wow!!! Russ donated more than Nick! Way to go Russ you the MAN… :shock: