
Congratulations to our newest board members:

Preston Halstead - Vice President
Pilar Halstead - Admistrative Chapter Representative
Van Hibberts - Vice President Education
Jerry Suarez - Chapter Representative
Jay Murray - Chapter Representative

We appreciate the time and dedication that these individuals have already contributed to the chapter.

THANK YOU so much and we are looking forward to a great 2012!!!

Congratulations to all. Well deserved.

It is a pleasure to work with such a grreat group of people. Our membership is strong and I am available if anyone has any questions or needs any help. Please feel free to contact me.

Congrats to All!

Thanks & I’m proud to be apart of the Chapter!

I don’t see a “President” listed. Didn’t “The Meeker” sign the release yet?

Oops… I forgot something… —>>> :p:mrgreen::twisted: <<<—

Lol! The President is still John :wink:

Congrats to all and it was great see again.

John Who? Enquireing minds want to know. HA HA HA congrats to you guys, even though I don’t participate I want to let you know I appreciate your service and commitment to bettering the proffession.

I only want to run the our Country not the chapter :slight_smile:

I am the best man for the job :slight_smile:

It’s not too late. Run on the Republican ticket, you should have a good chance at getting nominated.

Thank you, I look forward to participating with the chapter & helping Home and Insurance Inspectors.

I am honored to be a member of the chapter. I am happy to help especially to relieve some stress from Michelle. :smiley:

Famous last words…:roll:

YEAH! YOU ROCK :slight_smile:

We make a good team :wink:

What Russell said


Q: Why do you try to stir up **** here in FL?

He cannot help himself :twisted::roll:

How many times have you others visited the individual States Forums? Unless they had one thing in particular that interested you.

I think Jeffy just cannot get enough of me :smiley: