Florida's Future

Russell Hensel is now the legislative representative for InterNachi members in Florida. He will be working hard for the future of the profession and keeping you up to date with all the current information. Please be careful on information the does not come from Russ or a source connected to him. Give him your support and engage anyway you can. Russ belongs to the Florida Home and Insurance Inspectors Chapter which is the chapter that has signed the agreement with the lobbyist. This is a separate chapter then FLNachi.

Is there going to be a mailing list or updates from Russ?

Yes and as John said we are getting a website together. Let me wrap my head around this and find a way to get people involved. I first have to get the update from the present board and then information will flow both ways.

We need to find ways to protect, elevate and promote the profession. We are the protectors of unbiased information.

While I wait for info. I will find and post the SOP and we can start getting our ducks together with that…

Congradulations Russel!

This is great for all Florida Inspectors. Russel can be tenacious in fighting for what he believes in. I hope we ALL will help him.

Russel, let me how I can help.

Jay I just responded to an old post Greg Bell who was awesome at this position put up. We need to intelligently and respectfully get the SOP in shape with these things in mind…protecting the consumer, providing a direction for all inspectors to take when inspecting and elevating the profession in the eyes of the public and to set forth an expectation the consumer can understand when getting the inspection.

Let’s make the SOP consumers will view as fair, professional, unbiased and worth a price professionals can command.

is there still a home inspector council that also employees the lobbyist? Whats the status of Flanachi? Arent the members of flanachi on the council? Its still very confusing.

also, do we still not need a mold license as Home Inspector’s?

Yes there is still a council and Russell is now InterNachi’s rep. As for FLNachi, their members are no longer on the council. The Florida Home and Insurance Inspectors Chapter of InterNachi InterNACHI® - International Association of Certified Home Inspectors signed the contract with the lobbyist for Inachi members.

I hope this clears some things up.

Just to be fair, FlNachi is still very involved and has given money to the council. Richard Hyland is the person that publishes the newsletter. Technically they do have a voice, they are just not one of the signers. Their position should be discussed at the next meeting. The council should decide how to deal with the unique situation. Should they be given vote or should they fall under FlHII, the council will have to make that decision. One thing is clear(to me) there can not be too many voices. Right now there is four, with alternates. It is very difficult to have a frank conversation with many people with many ideas, nothing gets done. That is the last thing we need.

For clarification for all, who are the “official” council members as listed in the public records for the Florida Division of Corporations and/or business entitiies? Also, how is the “council” structured as a business entity? Non profit, S- Corp,? Who is the President for the entity? Having all of this information out in the open may make it easier for the council to gain the trust of inspectors. Having trust in the entity may also make it easier for the rank and file inspectors to open their wallets.

Agreed Steven. We are trying to get those answers now. Also, working on a restructuring of the council if need be. There will be complete transparency (on our end anyway) as soon as we get the answers. I think that has been a major issue up to this point.

As far as FLNachi, I mean no disrespect to them but they are no longer part of the contract and that does not allow them a vote on the council. It does not mean that their views are disregarded, not at all. We are now working toward respecting all Home Inspectors and informing the members (all members) of what is happening and what the goals are. That is something that was not provided before.

Great news. I am looking forward to that vision becoming are reality for the benefit of all inspectors.

AHA! Caught you - making progress. I love the new attitudes!


The definitive answer is yes, no, maybe…:p.

What I THINK…and emphasize THINK happened is Nick or someone got the bill passed where Home Inspectors can do mold testing. But it is very vague and I do know that you must think of what if it goes to litigation.

Can you afford to defend yourself against an error? I know that the mold insurance I have is only for LICENSED MOLD ASSESSORS…

As they say in the Army, do whatever your career can handle. I will ask about this and see where it goes. But for right now, I have no idea. Sorry but as I said this is day 1 for me…

Best of luck to you Russ, and everyone else as well.

Is there a committee to end licensing for Florida Home Inspectors yet?

Sign me up.

Can I have a title like the rest of the folks around here :slight_smile:


Ask anyone Mike…you already have a title!:mrgreen:

Can we please shoot this horse?