FREE InterNACHI Membership

Are you thinking about joining InterNACHI?

For a limited time you can get your first year InterNACHI membership ($365 Value) for free by making a one time donation of $150 to our Florida legislative fund. You can help shape the future of our profession and join the best association in the state.

Just follow the link below to make your donation and join the best association in the state.

Just include (Legislative Fund/InterNACHI membership) in the message area.

You will receive an email with instructions on how to obtain your free membership by email. Please allow up to 72 hours for a reply.

This offer is for new members from the State of Florida.

Greg… FYI… Membership is now $365 annual (value).

Jeffrey is correct.

InterNACHI never raises the price on any individual member, so whatever price you joined InterNACHI at, is the price you keep for life, even when InterNACHI raises dues. In other words, price increases don’t affect existing members.

Thanks Jeffrey.

I wasn’t aware of the change. That makes the deal even better.

Yes it does. That’s why I interrupted your message. It’s worth every penny, and then some!!!

Greg i will be paying for three within the next day or two…possible 4. With that price, my people who don’t do home inspections can use the system to learn more. Great offer and great thinking.

Man, your a sleeping giant! Your were just sitting to see if our chapter was real, and when you say the passion you decided to join the party in an awesome way! Look forward to seeing you again in SW Florida with Wayne Bertch! Dinner is on me…

Hey Russel that’s great!!

Yes I was inspired by what Michelle accomplished this last weekend. I know that I have a monumental task ahead of me. Just trying to think out the box to make it happen.

We will be in Ft Meyers in the middle of December. I have never been to that part of the state, so I am really looking forward to it.

Smart thinking Russell. You double the return on your money. Others with assistant inspectors should do similarly.

InterNACHI Florida Legislative Tour - WE NEED YOU!

Planning for our Legislative Tour is well on it’s way. We are looking for current local chapter representatives or perhaps someone who is interested in starting up a new chapter to help “host” our event in each city listed below… If you are interested in hosting Wayne Bertsch and Greg Bell on behalf of The FL Home & Insurance Inspectors chapter of InterNACHI please contact Greg Bell or Michelle Shishilla.

   Meet your lobbyist  Wayne Bertsch that represents you in Tallahassee.

Question and answer secession with Wayne
Get up to date on legislative issues.
How you can help build the foundation for our profession.

The FLHII is looking to start and support local chapters in the cities visited during the tour


Miami 12-1 - HOST Jerry Suarez
Ft Lauderdale 12-2
West Palm 12-2
Ft Myers 12-15
Tampa 12-16
Orlando 12-16
Jacksonville 1-3 - HOST FL ASHI
Tallahassee 1-4

All meetings start at 7 pm. Ft Lauderdale and Tampa start at 1pm.
There will be numerous door prizes given away at each event.
The cost is FREE!!

I hope that everyone can take the time to come out and meet the people that represent you in Tallahassee.

We are now in the development stage of being a regulated profession in the state of Florida. It is time for all of us to get organized and take control of our future as home and mold inspectors. Our actions today will shape the future of this profession in the State of Florida for years to come.

We need all of you to get involved to make this work.

These events are open to all home and mold inspectors.