Mike Meeker listening to Joe Ferry

Meeker at a FABI meeting listening to Joe Ferry while rocking the CMI shirt.

Hi Mike

Meeker brought his man purse with him:p

I hope this was a gun free zone. :p:shock:

How did the stucco/plaster presentation go by the infamous RS? I’m sure that is why MM was there. I was going to go to this, but have 2 days of local classroom mold CEU’s starting Monday.

Who is that with the glasses …Scott Patterson ?

I totally wore that shirt for my Pal Bill Siegle :twisted:

Yeah but it is a Coach and the ladies love it. In my defense I was carrying my computer in it on my shoulder just like you and your “shoulder computer case”.

:smiley: Tomorrow I’ll post a picture of my real Man Purse I have had for about 20 years. Coach really does make GREAT well built leather bags for MEN.

It was not today. I had one more than I even knew. That tends to happen when you have them of all sizes and for all occasions :slight_smile:

Exactly why I went and it was quite well done :slight_smile: The only thing that sucked is it was supposed to be at 10:30am and I arrived about 10:15 perfect for me and it got rescheduled for 3:00pm Instead of being home by 3:00 I just got home and the weather sucked the whole way.


yep its like cyber radar with a safety advantage… can’t count the times that I
got a “object on road ahead” or other warning, and sure enough made a safe swerve around something that my have caused damage having gone unnoticed.

It really is awesome. I just wish more folks hit the cop is gone when they are gone :slight_smile:

I have used Waze for the last 2 months. Love it.

I love waze, saves me a lot of time and hassle when it comes to traffic.

I will have to check it out. I think we will have issues the next few years at x213 University.

I never do that the sneaky guys might be hiding.