Re-inspection gone wrong, client forced to pay for an inspection to get credits back

An unfortunate homeowner lost her shutter credit because of a poorly performed re-inspection. She was unhappy with the whole process. She was forced to pay for a second inspection to get back the credits she deserved.

According to the Homeowner, the re-inspection company’s inspector picked up the pictured shutter. It’s for small window and said to her, “I can’t do anything with this, There’s no sticker”.

These photos are used with the homeowners blessing. When she told me the tale and showed me the shutter, I walked over and immediately spotted the shutter identification stamped on the panel.

She got her shutter credit. But, only after she had to pay for a second inspection performed correctly.

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1-10-12  a 010.jpg

No way.

I do not believe it for a second.

What do you want to bet she will get reinspected yet again in the future? There is nothing to stop it. It is asinine.

Its going to get ugly this year :frowning:

I see the same thing all the time


Believe it!:wink:

Thats sad to hear. Make sure you report it to the insurance company.

My understanding is, that the agent and homeowner tried. They supplied all the documents to the underwriter and to the reinspection firm.

They refused to amend their report.

They need to file a (class action) law suit against the re-inspection company and the insurance company

You understand its not the actual inspectors fault right? Most of those guys are just like us here on these message boards. Its the training they receive which is handed down directly from Citizens and their underwriting dept. Citizens decides what is acceptable and what is not. If Citizens says they need a sticker, then they need a sticker. The guy doing the inspection must follow that rule or his inspection will get rejected by Citizens, thus he will receive no payment.

Now, if hes an idiot and just trying to make his job easier by not doing due diligence, well then its his own fault and he should be blamed.

IMO, that is semantics. Like “Data Plate” on compressors. Most don’t have plates, they have data labels.
This panel indicated was “labeled” with the data.

The whole re-inspection system is at fault.

The entire program is based on a model, that has no obligation to get it correct for the homeowner.

It is fueled by any discrepancy between the inspection and re-inspection.

Agree with that part

Don’t agree with that.

Been there, IMO, Agent makes his money on higher premium clients pay, way should he look after her best interest here. This is a big flaw in the system, and needs to be looked at. Insurance companies and their hired guns. Again IMO…

The whole process of reinspection is justified by the discreptancies between the inspection and re-inspection. The differences are used to justify the program. Which is fine. Re-inspection help to keep inspectors honest.

The problem occurs when it easier for the re-inspectors to just deny a credit or mark unknown, than take the extra time or effort to get it right.

The re-inspection firms work for the underwriter and have no obligation to the homeowner.

It is the inspectors fault…He should have seen the marks on that shutter. If what the homeowner says is true, the guy should not be doing re-inspections.

It shouldn’t matter who the inspector works for. It clearly states on the shutters what they are. The inspector was lazy or incompetant. In either event:

I would file a complaint immediately and then demand an investigation. I bet this isn’t the first time for this guy.

If anyone does please share the results with us.

Anyone want to bet on the outcome of the complaint??

We will never know until one is filed. If enough are filed, there will be action. The media can come in quite handy in these instances.

Based upon the topics and discussio on the forum and my conversations with the guys performing the re-inspections.

It appears to me, that if a complaint is filed or documentation , or a third inspection contradicts the re-inspection, the re-inspector doesn’t get paid.

The problem is that not getting paid for one out of 100 improper re-inspections isn’t going to do much.

I am not much of a conspiracy theorist, but lately, I am beginning to become one.
If the evil empire, the insurance companies, are instructing the re-inspectors to find faults, real or not, I would bet they have a fall guy ready.

Agreed. Unfortunately, it appears to be the re-inspector and the homeowner that ultimatly suffer.