SEFlorida NACHI Chapter?

I am looking to gain information on join the SE Florida Chapter of NACHI. I am an inspector in Key Largo and looking to meet with some other local inspectors. I know that Harvey Gordon was listed as the primary POC for the Chapter but all the contact info and the web site was not linked properly. Can anyone assist please.

I do not know if we have one? FABI does. I am sure someone will produce one soon enough if we do not have one since InterNACHI is building their Inspector Production Factory in Weston :slight_smile:

Check out Inspector Brotherhood on Facebook. They are a great Florida Based org. Tell them I sent you :slight_smile:

Thanks Mike, I will check that out.

They are a great group of guys :slight_smile:

Just sent my request to join the group!!

Cool Beans :slight_smile:

The South Florida Association of Home Inspectors has a meeting the second Tuesday of most months at Tropical Acres restaurant around 6PM.