Wind Mit Referral Fee


“…a licensed home inspector or licensed contractor would not violate the provisions of § 468.8319 by offering a fee to insurers for referral of wind mitigation clients…”

I guess anything can be bought these days. DMI should be ashamed of themselves…

I think the scum in the biz has been doing it for years. Not sure about DMI but think they have been doing it forever. They sure do not get all the referrals for their high quality ACCURATE inspections.

Hey at least then we can all start selling decent priced inspections as long as we cut the insurance guys in. They will do anything for a buck. :twisted:

So inspectors CAN give kickbacks to insurance agents but not to real estate agents?

Don’t know about HI’s but I am quite sure General Contractors, Architects, and Engineers can.

Funny thing is that the inspectors all agreed in all their orgs and such to do this. As usual they only hold themselves back.

For the record I currently do not pay or give incentives to agents for any reason.

I sure would though if is is legal and they would recommend to their clients that they hire me for $200 I would give them $50 a pop and be damn happy to.

Now since any Tom, Dck, or Harry can do them the competition is ridiculous :frowning:

I am really surprised that DBPR has taken this position. I always had the thought that only “same licensed” people can accept a referral fee from each other. This will probably open up a big can of worms and be rescinded sooner than later. DMI must have a good lobbyist…

They do and they are some of the same pricks that agreed that pictures are safe to take and necessary even of items that SHOULD NOT exist. THEY ONLY DO WHAT THE INSURANCE COMPANIES WANT THEM TO DO so they can continue getting their business by hook or crook. DMI is lower than whale s hit

But, Michael
Pics are easy enough to take .
It just keep me from hassling with those dingbats.
Still can’t figure out how to make a decent buck on mits .
Just gettin’ in the attic this time of year is worth at a minimum $200 .

I just sent you a private message with the tricks :slight_smile: To many around here doing them now. Getting the work the same way as me and really screwing up my advertising costs.

By the way easy enough is not the point. We should be taken on our word as any other professional is :slight_smile:

I used to be able to verify things with a monocular that I CAN NOT get a photo of and taking pictures of marks on a truss is completely asinine because it means NOTHING and the device used to detect the metal claims NOT TO BE ACCURATE and temperatures that are lower than most temps we encounter. At least that is what I heard they claim. They never told me personally :slight_smile:

Crawling around looking for a shiner that should not exist is just plain foolishness.

Some of the reasoning behind this…

  1. Finally, the purpose for a prohibition on fees for referrals is clearly to guard against conflicts of interest. For instance, if a home inspector were to have a referral fee arrangement with a real estate broker or agent therefore, the sale would depend in part on a favorable sign off by the inspector. The inspector would have an incentive to provide a favorable inspection and the brokers would have incentive to seek out inspectors that would work in their favor. The public purpose for regulating home inspectors is consumer protection, which is directly undermined by the incentives provided by a referral fee arrangement.

  2. While home insurers may use similar terminology, (i.e. “agent”) they do not present the same conflict of interest when referring customers to a particular inspector. The insurers’ sales are not contingent on the positive results of a mitigation inspection. To the contrary, positive inspections result in discounts by the insurers. The insurers’ interest is in guarding against catastrophic loss and therefore they seek to have accurate inspections of wind mitigation features. What’s more, a prohibition of referrals in this case would undermine the public purpose of the wind mitigation program, which is to promote to the greatest extent possible the proper installation of features that will guard against catastrophic loss from hurricanes.

It is simple …
Take the money and be proud for all your efforts.

I am really shocked - but I guess not surprised. I guess this is just another form of crony capitalism. It will now come down to who is willing to kick back the most money to the insurance industry for the referrals. (consumer protection is really just a tag line) Someone in a post above said that DMI’s lobbyist must be really good. The real “good” lobbyist is actually working for the insurance industry as they will now also get paid from inspectors for the privilege of crawling through attics in search of a shiner nail and roof to wall connections.

Take a close look at who submitted the original Declaratory Request on behalf of DMI. For those in the know, it should provide some valuable insight.

Exactly. The little guy is going to get nailed, and the policyholders will pay the higher inspection fee just to end up in the agents pocket. What about protecting the public???

Kickbacks and such. gas / grocery / gift cards & everything under the sun has been in this biz since I started :frowning:

Yes, but now it appears that it is legal and out in the open (advertised).

You are right on the money. Read the entire dec request as well as the official response from G.W. Harrell at DBPR. It is very interesting- especially if you know who the players are.

I see DMI raised prices to $150