Vent boot

I’ve been seeing a lot of this condition lately. Is there any case where this is acceptable? Thanks for your input.


does the flashing stick out below the next course of shingles not pictured? if the shingles are on top of the flashing they are just decorative. If the flashing is under the next course of shingles then it is defective. From the surrounding shingles, I would venture to guess it is wrong.

Thanks Michael,

The ones that I’ve seen lately have shown no sign of the flange lower on the shingles. It’s just struck me as odd that i have seen quite a few recently. I always point it out to the client.


Acceptability is not up to the inspector.

It is improper. The flange should be interleaved with the shingles. It should not release water under the shingles.

Thanks Chuck,

It’s just one of those things that, as I said, I’ve been seeing a lot of lately, and everything else with the roof is okay, that just made me question myself.


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The times I’ve seen it is when new shingles are put over an older shingles and they go right over the old flashing…

Wrong … Look at a roof installation manual.

I see a LOT of rennovated basements with a 5’x5’ room for the furnace and water heater and no combustion air source … So cause I see a lot should I say its OK.

Yeah, I know what you mean by" decorative", but the tar strip or sealant would be sealing the bottom of the flange (moisture trap), which never should be the case either.
I always think it’s funny when they shingle over them for “aesthetics”…like the homeowner or anyone else sees them or cares (except us ;-))






A lot of assuming going on here.
If it is properly sealed then no problem.

Actually, that is the problem.

What! Being properly sealed?

This is what happens down here during high wind events if not properly shingled over…

They didn’t seal/adhere/fasten the sides of the flashing properly :wink:

Being sealed at the bottom…I guess properly should be crossed out.

That is just the down slope flashing on the lead boot.

Two roofing nails at bottom corners, as most installation instructions require, and a little adhesive sealant, would prevent that.

I also always point out if the boot is face nailed at the bottom, as it requires regular maintenance. Shouldn’t the lower part of the boot be sealed under the flange with no nails exposed?

Thanks for all of the information.
