Automatic Buy Back purchase broken?

I just noticed that ISN stopped automatically purchasing the Buy Back guarantee for my last 15 inspections. It seems that it is still configured to purchase them on my behalf but is it now broken?

Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for letting us know. InterNACHI’s system is saying we have a bad link/token between ISN and InterNACHI for your account on InterNACHI. If you can please go to Settings --> Office Settings and then --> InterNACHI Buy Back. If you don’t mind just disconnect and re-connect it and it’ll start working again.

It is supposed to auto-update so I am not sure what happened in this case. I’ll look into it.

Also, if possible, if this happens again in the future can you jump into chat on your ISN? Our chat allows our team to easily identify you and dive right in.

Sorry about that!

Thanks, Chris

Thanks Chris.

I have to manually check off for each property if I want the Buy Back on ISN

Thank you Chris! I will do that now.

I tried doing it that way and it wouldn’t work. Mine was and hopefully still is setup to automatically purchase the guarantee after I hit the complete tab for the inspection on ISN. I just did what Chris suggested so we will wait and see.