Backup with Dropbox!

Do you dropbox? Dropbox is an amazing tool to be used for cloud storage.

Did you know ISN integrates with dropbox? That’s right… set it up and then automatically backup your:

& Attachments.

DAILY to Dropbox.

What could be easier than that?

To find out how click here:

Your data… backed up to your cloud… in real time.

ISN Rocks… doesn’t it? :wink:

Can you backup agreements and reports from the past without having to do each one individually?

Is there a need to backup our files stored on ISN?

Hi David, Honestly, NOPE!

But, some of our users like to know the option is there if desired. :slight_smile:

Set up the sync… and like magic it will happen.

Obviously the first sync will take longer… but after that it happens daily.

My thought too.

Isn’t all on ISN for whenever I want to retrieve it?

Do I need to worry about agreements disappearing?

NO. Your data will ALWAYS be there!

Sometimes people retire… Your data is your data we want you to be able to take it with you

Ian, a lot of people like backups for their backups. It’s great security and piece of mind. Even though ISN is AWESOME some people still wonder what would happen “if”… By having all your docs also backed up to Dropbox you have the piece of mind of knowing that you always have direct access to your data, no matter what. It’s just another way that ISN Rocks!

If people stop subscribing will data be there years later for retrieval ?

Hi Bob,

ISN will always have your data. However, if you stop using ISN… you will need to re-subscribe to download the data.

What Dom said :slight_smile:

Thanks Dom!

Can data be mass downloaded or always one at a time view ?