East Central Ontario Chapter of InterNACHI meeting.


Why are flat roofs more problematic than sloped ones?
What can be done?

Want the answers to these and other questions about flat-roof coverings?

Join us in Kingston on June 15th for an evening of fine dining, camaraderie and education.

RSVP by email to:
Simply type the words "Hell, yes!" in the Subject Line, and we'll tell the cook to put another potato in pot for YOU!

Location: Minos Uptown Village, Kingston, Ontario

Date/Time: Tuesday, June 15th, 2004 - Cocktails at 6pm, Dinner at 7pm, followed by flat-roofing seminar.

Guest Speaker: Phil Batt, Kingston Regional Manager and Technical Advisor for RoofMart; field inspector for IKO. Roofmart is the commercial/industrial division of IKO. Mr. Batt has 26 years experience with flat-roof coverings.

HOW TO GET THERE? http://www.minos1.com/contact.shtml

WHERE TO STAY? http://www.whatsonkingston.com/accom/hotels.html

WHO IS InterNACHI-ECO? https://www.nachi.org/bbsystem/viewtopic.php?t=2549

Sponsored by the East-Central Ontario Chapter of InterNACHI.

RSVP by email to: nachi-eco@sympatico.ca

"Life is simple. Eat. Sleep. Join InterNACHI."

Gil Strachan