You must have an InterNACHI® login to take the exam, but you do not need to be a paying member. If you don't have an account yet, set up a free guest account now.
This exam consists of 120 questions that are randomly generated from a much larger (and constantly evolving/expanding) pool of questions. This means that each time you take the exam it will be completely unique (there are over 1,000,000,000 versions of the exam). You will have 60 minutes to complete all 120 questions.
The passing cut-off score is 80, but you must also complete each of the 14 sections of the exam with a score of 50 or higher to pass the exam.
All 120 questions (and their answers) are weighted based on several factors. Questions that have safety implications or cover absolutely essential knowledge can impact your final score more than questions that have less serious implications or cover topics that may be less common in certain parts of the country.
This means that your final score will be lower if you answer safety or essential knowledge questions incorrectly than if you had answered the same number of other questions incorrectly.
(Answering these questions correctly doesn’t have a similar positive impact because all inspectors are expected to be able to answer them correctly.)
Check with your state, province, or country to determine if there are exam requirements for your business. Verify InterNACHI® School accreditation. To use the Certified Professional Inspector CPI® certification and logo, the individual must pass the Online Inspector Exam at To become a Certified Professional Inspector CPI®, visit
There are four essential factors related to the psychometric validity of any test. They are validity, reliability, fairness, and legal defensibility. Validity and reliability refer to the psychometric properties of the exam that demonstrate the exam exhibits consistent pass rates, reliability estimates, and overall performance. Descriptive performance statistics and item-level statistics of the exam are generated and reviewed continually by our in-house psychometrician and Eduction Team who review the exam's psychometric validity reliability, fairness, and legal defensibility.
Validity is the most fundamental consideration in psychometric measures according to the American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and National Council on Measurement in Education. It's the most important criteria for the quality of a test. The term validity refers to whether or not the test measures what it claims to measure. On a test with high validity, the items will be closely linked to the test's intended focus. For many certification and licensure tests this means that the assessed items will be highly related to the knowledge, skills, and abilities of a specific job or occupation.
In relation to validity, InterNACHI's exam measures what it claims to measure. The Home Inspector Job Task Analysis (JTA) catalogs the key tasks an inspector performs to complete a given job and the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) the inspector should possess to perform those tasks adequately. InterNACHI uses the JTA and KSA to develop and administrate curricula and course content for training and assessment (quiz, test, and exam) purposes. This analysis is also fundamental to the development, structure and administration of Home Inspector Certification Program and the Online Home Inspector Exam. InterNACHI's exam is valid.
In relation to reliability, reliability is one of the most important elements of test quality. It has to do with the consistency, or reproducibility, or an examinee's performance on the test. For example, if you were to administer a test with high reliability to an examinee on two occasions, you would be very likely to reach the same conclusions about the examinee's performance both times. Exam reliability stats and pass/fail rates are available at
In relation to fairness, the fairness of an exam refers to its freedom from any kind of bias. The exam is appropriate for all qualified examinees irrespective of race, religion, gender, or age. InterNACHI's exam is fair.
In relation to legal defensibility, for an exam program to have legal defensibility, there must be evidence as to the test’s quality that would stand up in a court challenge. Sound, professionally recommended guidelines were followed throughout the design, development, and maintenance of our exam program. Professional guidelines for testing are offered by the American Psychological Association (APA), American Educational Research Association (AERA), and the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME). InterNACHI's exam is legally defensible.
After taking the Online Inspector Examination, the system will inform you of your strengths and weaknesses. For example, if you did not do well on the exam in plumbing, the exam system will inform you of that weakness. In order to do better on the exam (and the exam can be taken again), visit InterNACHI's Free
Inspector Training and Education and complete courses related to the areas where you are weak. All of InterNACHI's
online training and education are free for members and provided by InterNACHI® School (
The examination is free. You can take the free online exam now from the comfort of your own home at no charge. It is graded instantly online. Passing this exam IN NO WAY CERTIFIES YOU AS AN INSPECTOR. The InterNACHI Online Inspector Examination is one of many InterNACHI membership requirements. Certification requirements are listed at
The examination covers the following categories: General; Plumbing; Roofing; Electrical; Heating & Cooling; Structure; Exterior; Interior; Insulation & Ventilation; Fireplace & Chimney; Wood Destroying; Environment; Ethics; Safety; Inspection Methods; Reporting; Professional Practice.
Don't worry. If you fail the exam, a graphic of your results will appear and will help you get a sense of what areas need your attention. Because InterNACHI doesn't charge for any of its online exams, you can study a bit more and simply come back and try again.
If you fail and you are already an InterNACHI member, you might want to take advantage of InterNACHI's members-only online education ( or online practice exam (
If you fail and you’re not a member of InterNACHI, you may want to consider a student membership to receive access to all of InterNACHI's online education for small monthly or yearly fee. As a student, you can learn at your own pace, and when you’re ready, you take the exam and become certified (for no additional charge) after fulfilling the InterNACHI certification requirements.
Certification requirements are listed at
If you fail in one category by answering less than 50% of the questions in that category correctly, you will receive a failing score for the entire examination.
Passing this exam IN NO WAY CERTIFIES YOU AS AN INSPECTOR. The InterNACHI Online Inspector Examination is one of many InterNACHI membership requirements. Certification requirements are listed at
You can take the free exam as many times as you like, whenever you like, wherever you like. It is different every time. Mathematically there are billions of versions of the InterNACHI Online Inspector Examination.
There is no harm in failing our online exam and you can take it as often as you like. It will reveal where you are weak and what to study. If you simply can't pass, we recommend ordering the Inspector's Library. InspectorOutlet also sells all our most popular training books as inexpensive pdf downloads.
Yes. It is different every time anyone takes it. The 120 questions are generated randomly. The order of the possible answers is random. The 120 questions are drawn randomly from a much larger pool of questions. Some questions are the same, only worded differently. New questions are being periodically added to the pool after psychometrically testing them.
No. The exam is difficult for some and easy for others. Only about 30% the people who take the exam for the first time pass. The average grade is failing. You need a score of 80 to pass. InterNACHI gathers International statistics (link takes a few moments to open) about each question on the exam. These statistics are automatically updated every time someone takes the exam. Statistics concerning level of difficulty are displayed for each question as you take the exam. Some of the International statistics about the exam, including pass/fail rates, are available on our website. Critics must recognize that this exam is InterNACHI's entrance exam. Passing the exam is required to join InterNACHI. Other associations have no entrance requirements. Pets and blind men can and have joined other national associations. Critics should also read
It is not possible to say. The exam uses a weighted scoring system. Each of the 120 questions is weighted based on importance. Questions that have safety implications or cover critical issues count more than questions that have less serious implications or are geographically regional. For example, questions that test to see if you know things every inspector should know are weighted heavily. This weighted system is why your score is a possible 100%, though you will be asked 120 questions. Frankly, it is one of the main features that make this exam great.
Yes. You will be given only 60 minutes to answer 120 questions (30 seconds per question). If you run out of time before you answer all the questions, you may take the exam again.
No. It is a well-rounded, general examination to determine the competency of any inspector. The exam is not association-specific. But much more than that, more people have taken the InterNACHI Online Inspector Examination than all other inspection examinations combined. Furthermore, the system has built-in intelligence which constantly calculates and recognizes everything from individual repeat improvement to overall industry knowledge trends. All this combined with constant nationwide expert participation and improvement makes InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination the industry standard for assessing inspectors.
It is true that the exam contains extra questions about wiring and electricity. Although "electrical" is only a small part of a home inspection, it is one of the more important parts. This is because electrical problems, unlike plumbing, for example, can destroy property and kill people. Safety questions are also weighted heavily.
Some questions may appear too easy or too difficult. That is because there are questions on this examination that are not counted toward your score, but are used by InterNACHI to monitor overall knowledge of the industry. Eventually questions that are either too easy or too difficult are removed altogether.
Both true/false and multiple-choice questions are used. Each question page has two parts. The first tells you how much time you've spent so far, and how much time you're allowed. It also tells you how many questions you've answered, and how many there are in total. A new feature also gives you an idea of how hard the question is by telling you how well other people have done on it. This information is useful, but don't spend too much time on it, as it will slow you down. The second part is the test question itself. Some questions will be true/false and others will be multiple-choice.
No. It is statistically better for you to guess than skip, so we have made it impossible to go on to the next question until you pick an answer. Always choose the best answer out of the options given, even if two or more answers seem correct. If you see a question that could be improved or you think is in error, please write it down and contact InterNACHI once you have finished the examination.
Yes. Examinees are given the opportunity to double-check their answers and correct mistakes before they submit them (within the time constraints of the exam).
InterNACHI used several reasonable methods to come up with this passing score. International pass/fail rates (link takes a few moments to open) are automatically updated every time someone takes the exam, and these statistics are posted (link takes a few moments to open) on our website. It is interesting to note that one of the methods used for setting the passing score, a version of the Modified Angoff Technique, determined the passing rate should be set at 71%.
Our statistics show that immediate-repeat exam takers fare no better over time. InterNACHI has numerous examples of the exam being taken sequentially by the same exam taker without marked improvement. Some exam takers have tried as many as 15 times in the course of one day without establishing a correlation between success and number of attempts. Post-exam interviews show improvement can only come with study between attempts.
InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination is very secure. Each exam is dynamically created using advanced randomization techniques. The data is then stored server-side, making it nearly impossible to cheat the system.
Yes. You may use notes and books. This statement is included in proctor instructions. Our exam is difficult to pass, even though it is open book.
Nothing except a reliable Internet connection. Your time will NOT be extended if your connection fails or if your computer crashes during the test. In the case of a connection failure, you should be able to re-connect and continue from where you stopped. If you cannot, don't worry, because InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination is completely free, and you can re-take it whenever you wish. If you exceed the test's time limit, the unfinished questions will be counted as incorrect.
The exam is built with the latest server-side technology for increased security, but implements widely compatible client-side technology so that almost anyone with a web browser (new or outdated) can use the system. The system is built with a 56k dial-up modem in mind: If an examinee's connection is lost mid-exam, he/she can simply reconnect and start where they left off. The system also uses optimized, low-resolution graphics for faster page loading.
Each question is categorized and cross-categorized. Many questions fall into more than one category. This provides the basis for a narrative and quantitative evaluation post-completion, so that the examinee knows what needs improvement whether they passed the exam or not. The summary even includes a color pie chart.
Don't worry. Failing the exam will help you learn what you should study to become an inspector. The exam is free and you can take it as often as you like. You can take the free online exam now, from the comfort of your own home at no charge. It is graded instantly online. If you simply can't pass, we recommend that you order the Inspector's Library.
Yes. Your privacy and the security of your personal information are very important to us at InterNACHI. This information is kept confidential, and individual scores are revealed only to the exam taker. Scores do not appear on certificates. We only use cookies to identify you during the exam. We do not collect personally identifiable information on our website unless you choose to give it to us. Even if you choose to give us information, we keep it confidential. We do not sell mailing lists or release your information to anyone outside our organization. We only use the information you give us to fill your order, to honor your request, to determine your apparent need, to provide information you desire, or to improve the quality of your experience on our site. You can be sure that your personal privacy and trust are always safeguarded.
No. Once is not enough. Our industry changes over time and our exam is a living document that keeps up with changes in the industry. Associations that permit members to maintain their membership without passing an exam every few years or so are... suspect. Read our Membership requirements.
Don't worry. Passing is passing. Your score is computed and revealed to you at the end of the exam. However, your score is not reflected on your certificate. There is no reason to keep taking the exam in order to try to achieve a higher score, unless, of course, you find it fun!
InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination feels easier for several reasons:
International statistics about InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination are available online and automatically updated every time someone takes the exam.
A few states require the passing of an additional state exam. InterNACHI will help you pass your exam.
InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination was developed using a blueprint based largely on InterNACHI's Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics, with test methodology based primarily on Standards for Education and Psychological Testing by the American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education. InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination also relies on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's Uniform Guidelines for Employee Selection Procedures, the National Commission for Certifying Agencies' Standards for Accreditation, and other applicable standards.
InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination is an open-book exam. Exam takers are free to bring and use any written notes or printed (non-digital) reference material during the exam; however, use of Palm Pilots or laptops is prohibited. Calculators are also prohibited and unnecessary. The items in InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination are biased toward application, analysis, dynamic problem- solving, and defect-recognition where the exam taker demonstrates learning at a higher cognitive level by applying his/her knowledge on new material. New material includes a referenced photo or diagram or a situational/hypothetical stem question. InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination can be administered open-book, as it simulates the situations home inspectors face every day. Biasing InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination toward application, analysis dynamic problem-solving and defect-recognition gives the exam a high degree of validity for predicting inspector success in the field. Other existing home inspection licensing exams are based on recall. Such minimum standard exams do nothing more than test the exam taker's ability to remember the correct answers and re-state facts.
Because InterNACHI is already the largest provider and administrator of home inspection exams and quizzes, inappropriate, poorly worded, ambiguous or questionable questions and/or answers are quickly recognized and revised or removed from future versions. In addition, new items are developed as the industry evolves. With the exception of the lightly weighted content domain industry terms, InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination minimizes the effects of ancillary skills (such as terminology familiarity) by using commonly used phrases, including synonyms, where available. This also minimizes the effect of geographic bias so prominent in the inspection industry.
Each stem question in InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination is meaningful in and of itself. In other words, the questions are worded so that the exam taker could predict the correct answer after merely reading the question. For instance:
Q. Radon...
A. exposure increases one's chance of contracting lung cancer.
would be worded as follows:
Q. Radon exposure increases one's chance of...
A. contracting lung cancer.
(Note that this is not an actual item found on InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination.)
Negatively stated questions appear on InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination only when necessary. For instance, while technically correct, "should not slope downward" would be worded "should slope upward" on InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination. Negative stems that include terms such as "except for" or "does not include" are avoided in InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination.
Because use of "all of the above" and "none of the above" should not be used as distracters (incorrect answer options), InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination does not incorporate such answer options at all.
Because very few things in professional settings are "always" or "never" true, InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination uses such terms judiciously.
InterNACHI formally and informally validates every question and every answer choice (correct and incorrect). Each item is validated to ensure that the knowledge and/or skill tested by the item is essential for one to pass, validated to assure that the keyed correct answer is, in fact, correct without ambiguity, and validated to ensure that the incorrect answer options are, in fact, incorrect, but still plausible enough to provide distraction. Distracters (incorrect answer choices) found within InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination are not tricky or deceptive, but instead employ common errors.
As part of the psychometric analysis performed on the InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination, each question's pass/fail rate is calculated and recorded each time the question is answered so that the question difficulty is quantified over time. Regular checks comparing the answers given by experienced, skilled inspectors with those offered by inexperienced, unskilled inspectors verify that each question contributes to testing the exam taker's competency. Also, at the end of every exam session, descriptive statistics customized to each exam taker are displayed, along with a color pie chart depicting that particular exam taker's weaknesses.
InterNACHI's proctored Online Inspector Examination is proctored by the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI), home inspector schools, and community colleges in various locations throughout North America. One may take InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination as often as one wishes, with no wait period between attempts. Proctored exam takers must bring and present photo identification. Acceptable forms of photo identification include a driver's license, state identification card, passport, or military ID.
Exam takers are free to drink beverages during the exam. Exam takers are free to take a break during the exam, but the time clock does not stop. It is unlikely any exam taker will need more than the time limit given, even with breaks. Obviously, exam proctors and administrators are unable to help with answering questions found on the exam, and exam takers may not talk with each other during the exam.
All of InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination testing facilities meet guidelines that ensure handicap accessibility, quiet and security, and comply with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act by accommodating exam takers who, because of a disability, need special arrangements.
Even though each item on InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination has only one correct or clearly best answer, InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination scoring system permits modest reward for the next-best answer choice, and severe penalty for the very wrong answer choice.
InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination scoring system is much more advanced than existing home inspector exams to the benefit of public safety. Each item is validated to determine the relative importance on assessing the exam taker's knowledge and skill, as is each answer to each question. Then each is weighted accordingly. Not only are the questions in InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination weighted, the answers are as well, in the sense that an exam taker is penalized severely (in terms of score) for incorrectly answering questions that indicate that he/she could cause physical harm to the public, but not greatly rewarded (in terms of score) for correctly answering such questions. This same scoring is used for questions that test minimum competency. Likewise, difficult questions (questions that lie outside or nearly outside the scope of a home inspection) are weighted such that the exam taker is not severely penalized for answering incorrectly. Other existing home inspector exams' questions and answers are all weighted the same in terms of scoring.
InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination was developed based on the American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education's Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's Uniform Guidelines for Employee Selection Procedures, the Civil Rights Act of 1991, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination is the industry standard for assessing inspectors.
These International statistics are on our website and are automatically updated every time someone takes InterNACHI's Online Inspector Examination.
Yes. InterNACHI has formed partnerships with many community colleges that offer inspection courses across the North America. The purpose of these partnerships is to create and offer quality home inspection courses and Continuing Education credits at the college level.
The examination is free. You can take the free online exam now, from the comfort of your own home at no charge. It is graded instantly online. Good luck!