Grinder pumps are waste-management devices used to grind up household waste into a finely ground slurry and then force it into the sewer system.
Grinder pumps are required where a building’s drain system is at a level below a municipal sewer line or septic tank. Even if a building is at the same level as its sewer line or septic tank, the geography of the site may prevent sewage from flowing fast enough by gravity alone, making a grinder pump necessary. A typical application of a grinder pump is in a home where a basement bathroom is located lower than the height of the sewer line that leaves the home.
How do they work?
Household wastewater flows into the grinder pump’s tank. When the wastewater reaches a pre-set level, the grinder automatically turns on, grinds the waste, and pumps it into the public sewer system or septic tank. Grinder pumps will normally run for a few minutes and turn off when the tank is emptied. The pump is powered electrically and is connected to a control panel near the electric meter.
While on vacation, there are certain things homeowners must do to minimize any stagnating odors:
For additional maintenance instructions, clients should follow the guidelines set by the manufacturer.